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Movies are a form of comfort. It can be anything from horror to some boring romcom. The problem of this situation was that at the end of the movie, one of the transformers bayverse franchise, your T.V went haywire before it ever shown the credits.

Cursing like a drunk sailor you hop out of your blanket, the most fluffiest one you have, before grabbing your go lucky golden retriever to hide away in the hallway up the stairs.

Many thumping sounds come from down stairs as the blinding light envelopes your entire living room. Holding back Soos, your good boy doggo, as the light vanished as unknown people below groan out of pain or possibly confusion.

"What in the All Spark?"

" head--Why is everyone human!??"

"Bumblebee, Drift, Hound, Crosshair are you all alright?"

"Prime you forgotten about me."

"HotRod no one cares! What I'm worried about is that Lockdown the manic is here too!!"

"Oh shut up you fat scrap heep.."

All those voices were definitely male. But what shook your core was that each sound exactly like those characters from transformers movies..

Soos, being the big man and good boy of the house, escape your shocked self leaving you to run after him as he confronted these bizarre strangers. Barking as you picked up the hidden baseball bat from behind the spare sofa. Ready to break skulls with a metal bat.

Hound grimaced, pulling out his pistol  without hesitation "Ew. Prime, say the word. I'll end this ugly fuckers misery."

Optimus wasn't able to respond as your zooming in to defend your little four legged fluff ball. All transformers, well, human men taller than yourself eyes widen by your presence alone.

"Who in the bloody fuck are you and why are you in my living room!??"

Drift, the dude that looks similar to a samurai, spoke with both hands raise to show no harm "We mean no harm! As for your question it's rather complicated..."

Bumblebee, a blonde curly hair man, took a knee down to the carpet. Soos ceased his barking as he comes to him. Not long enjoying the belly scratches and nose boops.

"Complicated!?No! It's down right his bloody fault!" Some dude dresses like mechanic in love with green points at this dude that looks to be a bounty hunter for a living, so mad at him "Look at us! This is your fault!"

"Mine? Did you not hear me say no to pulling the switch?"

"Button! It was a small button--"


All men as well as dog stayed incredibly silent. Your bat still raises as this cop looking sherif dude pinched his temple. Single inhale before he looks your way.

"Forgive our intrusion. As I can see, you were simply relaxing here in this room. Our sincere apologies."

Your bat was lowered a tad "Your...forgiven." before raising it back up again, a question in mind "What is your guys names anyway?"

Some dude in full out orange answered you, a French accent as he spoke "My name is Hotrod, those buffoons are Bumblebee and Crosshair, our leader Optimus Prime, bastard enemy Lockdown, wise guy Drift, and lastly Hound our gun obsessed idiot!"

Lockdown pulls out a hand held gun, aiming for Hotrod's head "Say that again. It be your last."

He raised his hands in defense "I can not deny the truth can I not?" before Optimus made Lockdown lower the gun. Grumbling as you lowered your weapon too.

Soos stomps his happy way to you. Eager to get pets. All you did was take a double take in this new information.

"I think you guys should all sit down."

All blink in unison. Not sure what your planning to do.

"Go on. Unless you don't want to know my side of the story.."

All Autobots and Lockdown sat on the floor and couch. Soos played with his toys as you mentally perpare to destroy these guys mind and possibly worlds.


"Your not kidding.." Crosshair watch the movie he is first introduced in, everyone watching, as your writing away on a notepad.

Soos seemed to enjoy being near Bumblebee. So, he remained near him as they play tug o war together.

"If you guys like, I made a bedroom planner for you all. Took lots of thinking too.."

Optimus was the one nearest to you. Soon hand it to him, find his name, before handing it off to the next person. All went well till it lands in the hands of Drift. He did not look happy with your rearrangement.

"Thank you for letting us stay here. But must I sleep in the same room with those two numb skulls?"

Those two numbers skulls were Hotrod and Bumblebee. The two begin to complain as well before you took it back. Reading what you wrote.

"Room 1 Bumblebee, Hotrod, and Drift. Room 2 Hound and Crosshair, and Room 3 Optimus and Lockdown." Biting on the pen, thinking, you spoke out a fair idea change "...Oh! If your okay with it, you can sleep in my room with me and Soos. I should have a inflatable bed somewhere.."

That seems to please Drift, smiling a slim smile at your idea "I do not mind at all."

Lockdown however did. He simply can't with this sleep schedule. He may as well get his own room.

"Woah!Uh?Waite Lockdown we need to--!"

He took the room meant for Hound and Crosshair. Leaving you to refix the situation by stuffing the two with Optimus in replace of loosing a room and a sleep mate.

Bumblebee went after Soos as everyone depart to their new living areas. Turns out your four legged baby is sleeping in with those of Room 1.

Pulling out the inflatable bed, with machine to plug in, inflate it till turning off the machine. Keeping air sealed as a bunch of extra pillows and blankets were toss on Drift's bed. Surely enough to keep him satisfied.

"Drift hold on I think I have something in here for you to change into!"

By the time you find a large shirt and boy jamma pants you find Drift hair let loose from the tight bun, waving jet black hair, and find him without a shirt on. No belt yet still worn his pants. Shoes and socks tossed aside.

He smiles "You are too kind." before taking it to change else where, leaving you to flush hard and unable to cease your imagination going wild.

As he returns, which was when you just slipped into the covers of your own bed, jammas and all, before finding him bow.

"You don't have to thank me so much Drift."

"I know." He slips into the covers, feet hanging off the bed by a mere inch, before closing his eyes as he face your direction, smiling "But whom would I be if I don't show gratitude to such a beautiful being?"

His chuckles filled the room as you immediately flop onto your back, turn towards him, and hide under the sheets as you slept. Niether left the room till next sun rise.

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