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As time passed by,neither party realized how the appearance of the other become routine,every day choso would come to the cafe,at morning time or after dusk no in between,if in morning he'll leave in a hour or so and if after dusk until the cafe,so their interaction was a given.

It started out small,greeting but gradually grow as soon it passed one month,they both were pretty familiar with the latter,one could even say their relation was like brothers.

Yuji was confused at first as to why a guy,who clearly screamed wealth come to a medeoretic cafe not to mention the tips,his first instinct was to confront the man and if he made a mistake only for the latter to say that he really enjoyed the cafe and it wasnt a mistake,thanks to the guy he was eating two meals a day along with having savings though Yuji wondered if he'll drive the man bank corrupt some day.

His presence was absolutely and Yuji patiently waited for the man who showed him effection without any condition,he didn't question it ofcourse he didn't better enjoy it till it last Yuji is no idiot he knows the guy probably wants something from him even if he didn't give off of the impression but he seemed genuinely nice and fussed whenever he sneezed,it was sweet and funny to watch him, he wanted to cry, why? He doesn't know,but he wanted to.

That was the first time someone showed him genuine care,concern for him and Yuji wouldn't help tear up and laugh as the latter freaked out more, that was the day they started talking more comfertablely. It was pathetic,he knows how he breaks down even to the smallest of effection but....what do you expect?...that was the first time...

Choso seemed less awkward too and become progressively more clingy not that Yuji mind,he had a friend now! Almost like a brother!

So that's why it was incredibly worrisome how choso hadn't come today,from the talk between the customer he came to learn how there was an really big fight between heroes and villains in the higher district which ended in him opening his brand new phone which choso got him even when he insisted that he didn't need it after choso saw his cracked phone.

And it was true,there was a fight between heroes and villains, the stoplight was on infinity and KOC also known as king of curses,quite ironic seeing as the name is the total opposite of the side he's on,number one hero,king of curses and infinity,they were fighting,while the heroes were also trying to help but couldn't do anything more than watch the intense match.

It was a little unfair as there was only infinity and much more heroes,ar from a 1v1. Which ended in infinity getting heavily injured, he flew the scene and the vedio ended shortly after, yuji's phone was also on low battery,he made a mental note to put his phone on charging then go to bed. The fight happened not to long ago,probably just a few minutes or so. Yuji can't help worry and think and hope that Choso wasn't anywhere near the fight s the distruction that happened due to the fight was huge.

"Phew.....god please keep choso safe" Yuji closed his eyes,muttering a small prayer and resuming to putting things back,it was time to close his cafe as choso didn't came, maybe he was just busy? Yea .....though even that thought made Yuji dejected.

Don't think Yuji to be stupid he's called the man many times but the phone was not picked,so he left several msges.


The noise of the lock being put he took one last lock before turning around and walking back to his apartment.


He....isn't hearing things right?

Right after moving a few blocks he heard a thud,from the alleyway on the side.  He came to an adurupt stop glancing on the side at the darkness seemed to stare back at him with more ten times more intensity and he suppressed a shiver.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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