Chapter 17 • A new experience: Love

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Akutagawa P.O.V

I woke up around 9 am I think,on the couch we fell asleep on yesterday. Guess that movie was a little boring,what did we even watch?

I slowly opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was a sleeping Atsushi. I was about to get up when I noticed his tiger ears,wait,tiger ears? I gaze wandered down his body and I realized he had tiger features and his tail was wrapped around my waist.

„Atsushi...wake up."

No response.

„Atsushi! Wake up!"

Still no response.

„ATSUSHI!" I yelled and shook him causing him to wake up.

„Uah! What?!" He opened his eyes and looked at me. „What's wrong with you? I was sleeping peacefully,did you have to wake me?"

I groaned,this guy can't be serious. „Why are you half in your tiger form? And why is your fucking tail wrapped around me?" He looked down and noticed as well „sorry." He untangled his tail and looked back at me. „That usually happens when I'm comfortable."

So he was comfortable? He was comfortable even though I was lying next to him? That made my heart flatter and my cheeks turned slightly red. This feeling...Is that what you call «love»? I shook my head. No,don't think like that! He's your enemy! Even though I know we're enemies,I can't stop thinking about «what if...?»

What if he likes me back?

What if we date in the future?

What if we marry in the future?

Ok no,stop. That's enough! We're not even dating and I'm already planning our wedding! What the fuck's wrong with me?! A few months ago I hated and didn't need love!

• A few moths ago | No one's P.O.V •

„This asshole!" A short ginger yelled. „What's the matter,Chuuya?" A black haired mafioso asked. „Dazai stole my heart!"

„what?"  The black haired mafioso looked confused.

„I fell in love with Dazai...but I don't know if he likes me back...what about you? Did someone caught your eye,Akutagawa?"

„Love is worthless. I don't need someone to annoy me 24/7."

„That's not true,you just need someone that makes you feel safe and special! What about Higuchi? She likes you."

„She's came out last week,she's lesbian. Besides,she's in love with my sister."

• Back to present | Akutagawa P.O.V •

God damn it! I think I know why I never had interest in love or any girl who wanted me! I'm gay! Shit! How should I- wait...Mori,chuuya and Higuchi are homosexual as well. Ok,one problem less.

I snapped back to reality and noticed Atsushi getting up. „I have work today,I'm leaving then." I just nodded and got up as well.

I headed to the bathroom and started getting ready. I fixed my messy hair,brushed my teeth and stood in front of the shower. Should I shower or not? I thought for a few minutes before deciding to shower when Atsushi leaves. Alright,then I'll go get my clothes first.

I walked back out of the bathroom and headed towards the closet in our room.When I reached it,I opened it and got my usual clothes. My white button up shirt,my black pants and my black leather long coat. I put them in a stack and walked back intothe bathroom. When I heard Atsushi leaving,I put the clothes in the sink and turned back to the shower. I undressed myself and started the shower. After a few seconds I stepped in.

It's a great feeling to be honest,the warm water on my skin. After 13 minutes I stepped out,dried myself off and put my clothes on. I headed to the kitchen made myself a quick toast and left for work as well.

I was walking down the street when I saw a poster hanging from the wall. It was a young guy around my age who went missing last week. I ignored it and continued walking until I saw a trace of blood. I looked around and followed the blood in an alleyway . It led me to a corpse. I crouched down and scanned the body. It was the young guy from the poster,guess I found him?

I looked around and then back to the body. But wait- how did he die? There was a trace of blood that led me here but the guy has no bleeding wounds. That reminds me,when I was with Atsushi on this mission,there were corpses lying on the ground. I couldn't see why they died,they didn't have any bleeding wounds like a stab from a knife as well. Does that mean- No. We killed the leader. There's no chance that «The Park» is on murder spree again. I stood up and someone wrapped an his arm around my throat from behind,choking me. „Gah-! Wha-?!"

„Long time no see~" A sadistic sounding voice said...

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