Chapter 18: Christmas

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With Christmas on the way, Autumn found herself spending more and more time with Gian as they went Christmas shopping, snuggled on the couch and just enjoyed each other's company.

So when her mother called her to say that Christmas dinner would be canceled since a nasty flu made most of the households sick, she didn't hesitate when Gian suggested they spend Christmas at his place.

"You were not kidding when you said this town was small." She glanced at the airport. Even with Christmas two days away, the airport was at most overpopulated with at least eight hundred people. Christmas lights hung from the ceiling while red bow covered reefs covered everything.

"No I was not-" Gian started before he groaned. Looking in his direction, Autumn's eyes widened before she burst out laughing.

At the bottom of the escalator, Meadow and Gabriella held a giant sign between them. Congrats on the vasectomy was written in big black letters. They cheered as Autumn and Gian got closer.

"Congrats!" They shouted, causing heads to turn.

Gian pointed a finger at Gabriella . "Ok, you're evil."

"Hey, you did the sign for when I took that trip to New York." She smiled. "This is just payback."

"Wait," Autumn grabbed her luggage. "What did that say?"

"Welcome back from rehab."

"Gian!" Autumn scolded.

"It was funny!" Gian held his hands up.

"Well now this is even funnier." Gabriella's smile grew at Gian's glare before she turned to Autumn. "And look, you even brought company this time. That makes this so much better."

Gian rolled his eyes before he turned to Meadow. "And I'm guessing you made the sign."

Meadow nodded. Her smile beamed across her face. "Do you love it?"

"I love it." He ruffled her hair causing her to cry out in surprise.

"Hey!" She scowled, pushing his hand away.

Gian chuckled. "Come on, let's head home." A spark appeared in his eyes. "Last one to the car doesn't get any snacks!"

"Snacks! Hey, wait!" Meadow cried, racing after her uncle.

Watching them run off, Autumn shook her head. "Well I guess they just forgot about us then."

Gabriella simply smiled as Autumn grabbed her luggage and they headed toward the door.

"How far are you now?"

Autumn rubbed her belly. The bump was already starting to pop through Willow's sweatpants. "19 weeks."

"Oh, halfway there." Gabriella nudged her. "Felt any movement yet?"

"No, but I'm not exactly sure what to look out for. I read about some fluttering and rolling but what does that actually mean?"

"Oh, you'll know when the time comes."

As they shared a few more pregnancy tips, they stepped out into the white covered town. Climbing into the back with Gian, Gabriella drove them to their parent's house.

Autumn gasped at the sight. The home was a beautiful cape cod style house with its beautiful steep roof, multiple decorative shutters and two stories.

Something squeezed her hand making her look at Gain. "I knew you would like it."

"I love it!"

She will always love the old homes. They had a special place in her heart, but there was something about the more modern homes that still retained their older styles that made her gasp every time.

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