Overstimulated (Platonic Shinkami)

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(Autistic Kaminari AU)

Kaminari was having a pretty crappy day so far. He woke up....wrong. He couldn't quite place his finger on what was wrong,but something was. And his uniform was not helping that feeling. It was rough and stiff,no where close to the feeling of his pajamas,which were soft and comforting on his skin.The bell blared out loudly,signaling it was time for breakfast,much to his dismay. As he walked to breakfast,he just wanted to plug his ears. He had never realized just how loud everything was. The chatter of the students,the clinking of the silverware against the plates and bowls. And the lights. When the hell did they get so bright???? Not to mention the obnoxious humming coming from them. Kaminari sighed and went to grab a bowl of food from the line,but everything looked unappetising. He settled for a bowl of cereal *A/n:Western foods were brought to UA at the influx of Western transfers*but even that went wrong fast. He sat down at the Bakusquads table as usual,and pushed around the cereal in the bowl. By the time he got around to trying it,the cereal was soggy. He pushed it away and put his head down on the table,only looking up when Bakugou said his name (which wasn't a normal thing)
"Oi,D-Kaminari. Why are you acting so weird? You're usually talking up a storm,being a dumbest with Shitty hair" Kaminari let out a giggle under his breath at how Bakugou had to stop himself from using the nickname 'Dunce Face' ,then replied with an "I'm okay,Bakugou. Just got a bit of a headache." For once,Bakugou didn't press the matter,understanding thar something really was wrong ,since Denki hadn't used the childish Nickname that he stole from Deku. Shinsou was sitting over at the Dekusquad table,staring Denki down the whole time. He turned to Todoroki,who was adept at reading people,despite being a bit oblivious when not directly paying attention to something, and muttered "Hey,does Kaminari-kun seem off to you?" . Todoroki blinked at him,then looked at Kaminari. He looked back at Shinsou,and nodded.The bell rang for class before Shinsou could make his way across the cafeteria,and before he could catch up to Kaminari,he was swept away by the Bakusquad. Shinsou decided to wait until class to talk to Kaminari,and walked to class,stopping to say hello to his former Class 1-B classmates before ducking into class and sitting in his seat next to Kaminari who looked downright miserable. Shinsou tapped him on the shoulder,being met with a sound that was similar to a child-like whine. Kaminari looked at him with a flash of fear but didn't get to say much else,as Aizawa began to teach. When it came time for English class,they were reading an advanced book in silence,and Kaminari was having trouble concentrating with the the sounds of the pages turning. He managed to get through a paragraph of the first page before the time alloted was up. He groaned and put his head down,deciding that he would bring the book back to his dorm to read it. But luck was not on his side today,and Aizawa chose him to describe what happened in the last few chapters. "W-well uhm-Rhysand w-was t-teaching F-feyre to r-read..and...." He didn't know anything else about the chapters and couldn't concentrate on trying to recall any of the words the main character  was learning. Aizawa looked at him in disappointment and said "You were supposed to read 5 chapters and you didn't even read one. What could you have possibly been doing besides reading? Actually,don't answer that,Detention after class." Kaminari just glared down at the offending book but said nothing else. Next up was math,and they were learning financial Algebra,which was hard for Kaminari in general. He couldn't concentrate over the scritch scratch of the pencils against paper,or the sound of Midoriya's incessant mumbling. Shinsou could sense something was up and tried his best to help Kaminari with his work,receiving a detention himself for talking over Aizawa.When Kaminari was asked to solve a problem on the board,Shinsou tried to comfort him with a slight squeeze on his shoulder,but it didn't do much. When Kaminari got the question wrong he recieved a lunch detention. He was about to go sit back down,when he heard a few snickers about his performance in class. "Shut it,assholes" Shinsou said,knowing he was risking getting another detention. He was fine with whatever consequences would come with this decision though,because he was not about to let people harass his friend. The snickers and comments didn't stop,no matter how much Shinsou tried to defend Kaminari,who was looking down at the ground,trying not to cry. After a particularly mean comment,Kaminari lost it. "SHUT UP,SHUT UP SHUT UP!! ALL YOU GUYS DO IS MAKE ME FEEL STUPIDER THAN I ALREADT FEEL. CAN'T YOU SEE IM TRYING?!?!ALL YOU GUYS DO IS MAKE ME FEEL WORSE!!" With his outburst,he shot out about 30,000 volts of electricity,only regaining control when Aizawa cancelled out his quirk. With the temporary erasure of his quirk ,there was nothing stopping him from  collapsing onto the ground,sobbing. He couldn't take the added pressure,and the sensory overload was his last straw. Everyone just sat there,in shock at his outburst,while Shinsou calmly stood up,and walked over to him,signaling for Aizawa to go ahead and relinquish control over Denki's quirk. While he had no idea what was going on,he wanted to help his friend through whatever he was struggling with."Hey,Kaminari? Can you hear me?It's me,Shinsou" Kaminari looked up at him,and gave him a scrutinizing look,trying to figure out if he really was Shinsou. After deeming he was ,in fact, who he said he was,Kaminari's face lit up. "T-toshi!" Shinsou was taken aback by the nickname,but smiled at him nonetheless,although slightly confused on why he was suddenly stuttering. Aizawa looked at them strangely then sighed and rubbed his temples. "Alright,neither of you will be serving detention today. We'll forget about it. Shinsou,please take Kaminari back to his room and care for him." Shinso nodded,grateful for the opportunity to get out of class and held out a hand for Denki ,deducing that the boy may have trouble standing up on his own,after collapsing so suddenly,and using that high of a voltage with no preparation. He took Denki to his dorm and then stopped,realizing he didn't have a key to Denki's dorm. "Hey Kaminari,do you have a key in your pocket?" "Mhm" Denki handed him the key,and Shinsou unlocked the door,grinning as Denki ran in and faceplanted onto his bed. "Hey I have a question....why are you suddenly so silent?  I've just never seem anything quite like this,and I'd like to do more research to be able to help you" Denki looked up,understanding what Shinsou meant and pointing to letters on his posters to try and tell him,since he had slipped into a nonverbal episode once the nervous energy had worn off. " N-O-N-V-E-R-B-A-L.What does that me-? It suddenly clicked for Shinsou. 'Oh- I've heard of that. How do you communicate while nonverbal?" Kaminari pointed to a notebook and his hands,signaling that he writes and signs. "Wow,you're pretty prepared" Shinsou murmured in awe receiving a shrug in response from Kaminari,who just grabbed one of the hardest Rubix cubes to solve and began to absentmindedly fiddle with it,solving it in about 2 minutes.

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Shinsou watched in shock as Kaminari solved the cube with ease . "Kaminari...?" The boy cocked his head in curiosity. "How did you do that" Kaminari looked at him in confusion and shrugged."Can you help me get to the kitchen to get some food?I landed on my knees really hard and I'm pretty shaky from all the electricity" Kaminari signed, looking a bit shy "How about I just get you what you want?" Kaminari nodded and laid back down,pulling the blanket over himself and signing "Can I get a Ramen? Chicken?" Shinsou nodded and said "I'll be right back" *A/N:I'm so sorry I've been writing this fic for two days and I don't have anymore motivation*. Shinsou went to make the Ramen and searched the kitchen for a tray so Kaminari could eat in bed when Bakugou walked in "Why are you in here ,Eyebags? What are you looking for? " Shinsou jumped,hitting his head on the open cabinet above him,earning a snicker from Bakugou. "I'm looking for one of those foldable trays for Kaminari to eat on.He's still suffering some pretty bad shakes after how much voltage he used earlier." Bakugou nodded,and brought out the tray. "Here. Thanks" Shinsou looked up at him in confusion. "For what?" "Taking care of him. I'm not going to out him completely ,but today was a pretty bad day for him. Seemed like a sensory overload kind of day. I'm always the one taking care of him,but I couldn't today. I wasn't fast enough,and I didn't see what was happening until it was too late. While I may seem like an asshole,I do care for my friends. But if you tell anyone about this,I'll kick your ass. " Shinsou chuckled as he set up the tray and food for Kaminari. "Your secrets safe with me, Bakugou. And thanks for that help." With that,Shinsou said his goodnights and headed back to Kaminari's room to give him the ramen,only to find him sound asleep. Shinsou smiled and set down the food,turning off the light and settling into a chair. He decided it was better to let Kaminari sleep after his rough day. The Ramen could wait.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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