What is maladaptive dreaming

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So I'm no expert but just a fellow dreamer, and after some research I got to know that this can turn into something really ugly and hence need help..... honestly this has been going on for atleast 4-5 years and I still have control over it but that seems to be slipping hence I'm here.

DEFINITION- Maladaptive dreaming is a mental health issue in which the person starts making up extreme fictional scenes/plots in the mind and in some cases (like mine) starts to enact or play along to those plots. This is serious because it can quickly spiral out of control the person can start hurting themselves and also the person looses touch from humanity and enjoys living in that self created world severely affecting her/his relationships in the real world.

Maladaptive dreamer in writingOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz