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Name: Xora

Age: 20 - 30 (Biologically) Around Millions of years (Chronologically)

Gender: Female (?)

What series found in: DBS, XENO

Sexuality: Pansexual

Personality: Cognitive, Serious, Emotionless (Literally Jirens Personality)

Race: Cyborg/Android

Backstory: Xora was created by a woman known as Madame Valley; part of the Evangelion Organization (TEO, Rivals with RRA) and was sent to be on Europa; one of Jupiter's many moons with other cyborgs that Madame Valley created. Then, happened with the Saiyans and Cyborgs almost 100 years ago. She was knocked out into space, floating in space for 1000 years after the war and was hit by astroids to be sent to Earth. She then landed in a wasteland, taken into the Red Pharmaceuticals by Dr. Hedo.

Transformations: Burning Gospel - Xora has metal angel like wings in her back that when out, they burst in flames, lines on her body shining a firey red and eyes glow a more yellowish tone (Achieved when Gamma 2 had died and Pan almost falling to her fate; for her to gain this form, someone dear of hers in her eyes is in danger or dead/dying)

Skills: Ki Blast, Final Flash, Superhuman Speed, Strength, Endurance, and Durability, Flight, Pryo Evan-Guntō (A japanese sword in flames by blade, slashing threw the victim at high speed)

Crushes in Rps: Hocus (if allowed with author), 17, Hearts, Cumber (50/50), Towa, Zarbon (50/50)

Appearance: Short black bob straight hair, completely white eyes, everything but face made out of titanium and metal, face is human with two grey lines down under her eyes, bronze metal angelic wings folded in back, sharp siren eyes

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