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At the Tribes Base, Roark, Adenko, Slade, Kruger and Jarath explains the situation to the T-6 Unit.

Jarath: About four hours ago, the Jabarians entered our atmosphere and began to slaughter every single man, woman and child. Every soldier we had stationed at every city. Gone. The Jabarians are conquering cities one by one and Sr. Vaderok was their main guy all along. He was the Jabarian Overlord right under our noses and he managed to poison his son into killing one of our own.

Slade: The short version: the Chancellor has completly screwed us over.

Kruger: I agree. He wanted power and he's using that power by killing us.

Adenko: I don't get what he's going to prove by sending the Jabarians to attack us on Terranian soil. That would be an act of war.

Roark: You forget that Vaderok is a Jabarian Overlord.

Slade: An a powerful one at that? He pulled the rug right from under our feet.

Kruger: We need to figure out his next move, which I will bet my entire 80, 000 grand credit that move will be made soon.

At their bunks, Phoenix, Nicoro, Collena, Tryon, Kryll, Kamara, Danteo, Analla and Brenton are playing a game of cards.

Phoenix: Who's got two Huxus's?

Kamara: Nope. Go again.

Phoenix picks up a card from the pile on the table.

Nicoro: Who's got three Tnok Aces?

Tryon: Man, I swear on Athanos you are cheating!

Nicoro: How the hell do you cheat at a simple game at Tribe Knights?

Analla: It's actually real easy. You just hide a card under your sleeve. Saw a friend of mine do it. The other guy was pissed at the cheater got up and beat the hell out of him.

Nicoro stands up and pats down himself.

Nicoro: Nope. No card in my sleeves.

Nicoro sits down.

Nicoro: It's just Athanos blessing me with luck.

Collena: Bam! a Kylijian card!

Colllena slaps down a Kylijian card.

Analla: Oh, damn it! You won the game fair!

Brenton: What?!

Kamara: That's why my sister always wins!

Collena takes the money from the table.

Collena: (laughs) Read em and wheep....so what do you guys think?

Kryll: Think about what?

Collena: I mean do you think this is it?

A moment.

Phoenix: No....no, because we're going to pull through. We're going to band together and we're going to fight like we did during the battle of Bogra, the battle of Grica. We will band together and survive the battle of Terra.

Kryll: There's a saying by a Loki Overlord. "Let your allies follow you into the blood haven of war, where you shall witness death, struggle and chaos. Your dillema of how to save yourself from war has an outcome. Nor Peace nor death, but salvation."

Danteo: I think I'll toast to that.

At the World Council Assembly, Councilmen Tulo speaks among the council.

Councilmen Tulo: I thank you all for being able to attend at such devastating times. As you all know, Chancellor Bernard Vaderok has betrayed his right as a member of the Council, as a Chancellor and a Terranian. I'm going to adress this situation head on. Chancelor Vaderok is the Jabarian Overlord and our primary objective is to think of a preemptive way of settling this with the diplomatic-

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