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March 14, 2020

Last day of school before lockdown happened.

"Okay, since it's the last day of school, I think we should have an open forum!" Seohee suggested to the class. 

"And before you might even question me, yes, Class President Shinyu has approved it so we have to do it." Seohee continued, feeling so proud of herself.

Shinyu stood up from his seat and went beside Seohee who was standing in front of the class.

"Since we don't have enough time cause it's almost dismissal, go directly to the person who you want to say something or you would like to call them out for what they've done, or confess your feelings, and others, you name it. Let's just do this quickly." Shinyu announced.

The students then started setting their chairs aside to have a big space in the center of their classroom where they can freely run to their classmate.

Each student was busy talking with each other, full of different kind of topics discussed.

Shinyu, the class president, didn't really have someone who he can talk to about because he didn't held grudges to anyone, except for those evil twin students from last year, seventh grade, which he was glad to have transferred to another school this year.

He expected atleast someone would come to him because he's not the best class president there was, he's sure someone would call him out for something he has done.

"Shinyu! Can I talk to you about something?" A girl named Kalli went up to him. 

"Sure! I'm free." Shinyu casually replied.

"Since it's the last day, I want to tell you that I really really hate the fact that some of us surrender our phones and you, the class president himself, doesn't. We're friends but it's just unfair y'know."

Shinyu was guilty because it was damn right true. He would use it during lunch time to play mobile games with his friends.

"Welp, can't deny that, I'm sorry haha." Shinyu laughed a bit because he knows what he did was wrong but he just kept following his selfish desires.

"Well, boys are boys, come on Kalli, I have to talk to you!" Bina, Kalli's best friend said as she passed by to snatch her from Shinyu.

Shinyu laughed as he watched the two girls went away from him. He watched the entire classroom and smiled when he saw the chatters from his classmates.

"I know I tolerate you on almost everything you do, but can you like be quiet for sometimes too, please Kyungmin?!" 

Shinyu heard Hanjin said that to Kyungmin so he laughed silently.

"Shinyu! Hey!" 

Shinyu averted his gaze to the direction which he heard someone called him.

"Hey Dani! What's up?" Shinyu greeted.

"Well you showed me your sketchbook right, and you draw my favorite characters from my favorite animé, so, I was asking if I could, like have it? As a remembrance of you, cause you've mentioned to me before that you're transferring school next year." The girl asked.

"Sure, you can have it, but make sure you'll take care of it!" Shinyu laughed and gave his sketchbook. 

He only used a few pages so there's still a lot of spaces left for her to use. He just gave it cause when he bought it, he had two extras. 

Looking back to what Dani said, Shinyu's smile had a new meaning. Happinnes became a bitter one. He remembered that he would be transferring schools.

Eighth grade was really Shinyu's nightmare. It was the hardest for him. He was a consistent honor student during elementary and even last year, but this year level was just hell.

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