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If the problem keeps coming to you, then one of the best ways is to avoid it.

Shinyu thought about it, and he knows that it would be bad because Dohoon would be hurt being ignored and he hasn't done anything harmful in his perspective, but from Shinyu's, it was torture.

So Shinyu decided, avoid but not ignore. Minimize possible interactions, that was his initial thought but he has still some considerations to think so he just let himself go with the flow.

Usually, he doesn't leave the room. There's nothing from the outside that interests him, and the outside is hot unlike inside where there's air conditioning. But with the ongoing situation, he eventually comes out and stays on the room beside theirs which was not used yet so it's free for them to hang out there. And he still got that privilege to kind of do whatever he wants.

After their first subject, they're usually free or the teacher is just late so he have time to go outside and avoid him.

During the first semester, their first subject teacher doesn't allow latecomers to go inside the classroom while he's teaching, that's his rule, so the latecomers waits at the other room and wait for the next subject.

Dohoon is almost always late because he still stays up late with Chunsa. We don't know anymore what they're up to but that's their business.

When the first subject ends, the late students goes inside, Shinyu goes outside, making sure Dohoon wouldn't notice him.

When Dohoon arrives, Shinyu used to ask him if he had breakfast, why was he late, did he get enough sleep, you know, caring for him, but he stopped when he noticed the glares from his cousin. He just pretended he didn't noticed it.

"Finally! Peace!" Shinyu put his hands up the air after entering the empty room, his voice echoing. He flopped down on one of the big tables making himself comfortable while reading a book.

He has been doing this for like a few days, probably a week now, and it has been effective of clearing his mind and continue that "suppressing that feeling" agenda.

Anytime soon, one of his close friends would be there and hang with him. They would either rewrite the notes they took, study, scroll on their phone, or quiet activities that will make them relax.

Heira or Seohee would love this but sadly, they transferred school along with Dani.

"Hey! What are you doing here?"

Shinyu was hooked on his book but he noticed someone opened the door.

His friends usually just go inside, sit or lie down on to some chairs and the other tables while not making a sound. So, he's confused right why someone spoke. It's probably not someone from his friend group.

"It's how here, you'll sweat yourself, specially because you always wear your jacket and doesn't like taking them off. You should just stay in the room."

"Same question for you too, what are doing here, Dohoon?" Shinyu replied, still lying down with his book covering his face.

"I just noticed you weren't in the classroom and it's unlikely of you to go out because you don't like going outside because it's hot." He replied.

"I'm just reading my book, it's quiet here that's why I'm here. I can read peacefully." Shinyu answered nonchalantly.

"Can I stay here? I promise to be quiet." Dohoon asked, hoping for the latter to let him.

Shinyu badly want to say no but that's would be so rude. He had no choice but to let him.

"Sure." He answered, not bothering to look, still trying his best to focus on what he was reading.

He didn't care where Dohoon was, well he was trying to not care, as long as he's not making any noise that would be fine. Suddenly, he felt someone next to him and an arm that enveloped his upper stomach.

He was so surprised that he fliched and stopped reading just to see Dohoon beside him, smiling cutely.

"W-what are you doing?" Shinyu tried to act unaffected but failed.

"Can I stay like this? I'm still sleepy and I need something to hug when sleeping, my bolster pillow does the job, but you're here, and you smell so good too." Dohoon says, tightening his huy to Shinyu.

"I'm not sure."  Shinyu replied thriftily.

"Come on, please! It's not like we haven't done this before." Dohoon whined like a baby.

"Fine, fine! Okay, just keep quiet." Shinyu replied, implying in his tone that he was annoyed, but he wasn't.

"I know you stayed up late reading, why don't you just pause and take a nap with me?." Dohoon suggested.

Shinyu didn't reply, he just put down his book and closed his eyes. Dohoon smiled at the latter's gesture, knowing he agreed.

Shinyu's heart was beating faster, he was nervous, he's sweating a little bit and blushing. Luckily, the room is a little darker so it wasn't visible.

Shinyu tried to relax, not until he felt something in his cheek.

He opened his eyes and saw the one beside him kissing his cheek. "Sleep well." Dohoon said and closed his eyes again.

"How the fuck am I gonna relax in this situation? He hugged and kissed me, how can I possible calm the fuck down?"  He thought.


The bell rang, making the two awoke from their slumber.

The two faced each other and laughed at themselves. Probably because of the slight eye gunk and slightly messy hair.

Dohoon looked at the window and noticed that their teacher is already on the way to their classroom.

"Shit, our teacher is already here, let's go!" Dohoon said as he hurriedly went off of the table. 

Shinyu did the same then they both sprinted towards the classroom.

Both of them parted ways when they went inside, heading to their respective seats.

The teacher started tackling their lesson but Shinyu wasn't listening. He was still trying to process what had happened.

After what happened, the "surpress the feeling" mission officially failed. It resurfaced and is much stronger.

He can't take it no more. With what Dohoon was doing, it was making Shinyu like him more.

He knows it's bad because he's his cousin's possible boy friend. Or is he just really this friendly? Back in 8th grade, he wasn't like this. This 'clingy' type of Dohoon just suddenly happened last year.

He tried to glance at Dohoon who was on the other side of the isle when he caught him staring at him. Dohoon immediately averted his gaze to the teacher, pretending he didn't do what he just did.

"Fuck. Kim Dohoon is officially my first senior high school crush."

-not proofread

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