Chapter 13

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TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter contains themes of death, blood, and emotional distress. Reader discretion is advised.

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This feels weird, like déjà vu, but it's also strange. I swipe the water from my face, running my hands through my sleek, damp hair as I scrutinize myself in the mirror.

What am I doing here again?

"Poppy?" Oh, so Pops is here. "Are you done anytime soon? Mom will be here in a bit." I still find it funny when he tries to sound American. But of course. Sure. I'm at the beach house today because Mom's coming to see my fake boyfriend, Caspian. We don't want to surprise her with, "Mom, I'm no longer a virgin. I've just given it up to the person I met a few days ago, and we're playing house while Pops tolerates me like he always does."

"I am, Pops!" I call back, hearing him walk away. No response at all? Alright. I blow dry my hair and put on a long-sleeve, chiffon, casual, flowy boho beach dress. My forehead creases. How did this get here? I don't remember packing it, but then there are a lot of things I've forgotten. No doubt I did and haven't recalled it.

I turn around in front of the mirror, feeling pretty in white rubber shoes and white socks with a flower on each side.

"Poppy, come on! Mom's here!" Pops calls out from the living room in his well-studied American accent. He seems so excited to see her. When did they start being on good terms? I wonder.

"I'm com—" My jaw drops as I see Pops wrapping his arms around Mom's waist and kissing her passionately. "Oh, wow," my heart swells with joy. Oh, gracious! Parents!

"Where's our daughter?"

"You mean me? I'm here, Mom."

"Poppy?" Tears begin to roll down her cheeks. "Poppy, what happened to you?"

"What?" I touch my head as it aches, feeling like I'm pierced with glass all over my body. Then a liquid runs down from my head to my face.

Blood! What the fuck, blood!

In a snap, my white dress turns red with blood. Piper, who I didn't know was there, is being hugged by Para. Neither of them moves; they're crying silently.

"Oh my God! Our daughter, Jack!" Mom cries, and Pops holds her closer, not wanting her to get near me. They seem so far away now.

"No, Odette, they're not going to let you go near her," Pops says, red-eyed from crying.

What 'they'? What is Pops talking about? Who are they?

"What's going on?" I'm still confused. Nothing sinks in until Mom runs toward my direction and passes right through me—to my freaking body! I gasp and turn around, seeing myself lying in my own blood, eyes closed, hopeless. Dead.

"Poppy, Poppy, no! Wake up, Poppy! Pops, Dad, and I are still going to make it up to you!" She cries at the top of her lungs, and I gape, covering my mouth with my hand. I'm dead.

Someone barges through the door. "Poppy? Poppy?" Caspian pauses, seeing me, and falls to the ground as Mom mouths to him, "She's dead."

"No!" I scream.

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