chap 1. stass

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John and I are walking on the beach, the sun is nearly set which means it's nearly time for me to go home, which I dread.

"You know you can stay at mine tonight? Just tell your mom you slept over at Lailah's or something." John says and I giggle and look at him, "Do you know how stupid that plan would be? 1) my mom would call Lailah's mom, 2) if my mom found out I slept over at your house again she would beat my ass." saying this, John shrugs

"Maybe you shouldn't be one." he teases and I gasp with a smile on my face as he runs to the water, and I follow him.

"I am not!" I say and he shrugs and looks up as if he is thinking, "Mmmm.. okay.." he says sarcastically, the moment it leaves his lips I splash him with water, and he does it back.

We splash each other, laughing and teasing each other as we do so.

After about 5-10 minutes we both get out of the water, drenched and walk on the sand again, on our way back to John's car.

"Hey, do you remember Lara Jean?" John says and I nod, "I mean, how couldn't I? She was the only thing you would ever talk about in middle school."

John nods slowly as a faint smile appears on his face, "Why?" I ask and he shrugs, "Oh.. just curious." he says and I roll my eyes and push him playfully.

"Come on spill!" I say and he glances at me as we continue to walk, the moment he starts to talk a blush appears on his cheeks, "Well.. when I was visiting my grandma Stormy at Belleview today I saw her, apparently she volunteers there, and I was wondering if I should start volunteering to? I mean just to see how she turned out I guess." John says with a smile on his face.

His smile is growing and mine is fading away.

"John.. you know she's with Peter Kavinsky now right? You saw the video, they are definitely together." I say and he shrugs, "It's not like I'm gonna date her or anything, plus we've been talking for a while." John says.

I look at him confused, "Talking how?" I ask and he smiles again, "We have been exchanging letters." he answers, I feel my heart start to beat faster.

"Like.. love letters?" I ask and he shakes his head, "No, no not love letters.. well it did start with her writing me one."

My eyes widen, "Why didn't you tell me this?" I yell, as he looks at me with a grin on his face I cant help but smile back, "Becauseeee she's dating Peter, plus it doesn't mean anything, we are just friends! That's all, friends!" John says with an undertone of bubbliness.

"Yeah yeah, all great friendships start with writing each other love letters!" I say sarcastically with a smile on my face, "Ugh okay okay.. let's talk about something else." he says as we get step onto the pavement.

I nod as we walk towards his car, and he unlocks it.

"Get in passenger princess, Anastasia." John says as he opens my door for me, I smile and curtsy before getting into the passenger seat. He walks over to the drivers side and starts his car.

I turn on the radio and turn the volume up, and "Party In The U.S.A" by Miley Cyrus .

"I hopped off the plane at LAX, with a dream and my cardigan." I sing and John rolls his windows down and smiles at me, "Welcome to the land of fame excess! Am I gonna fit in?" John sings, and we continue to sing until the song is over.

"John, thank you for this." I say and he glances at me before turning his eyes back on the road.

"Anything, anytime for you." He says and I smile, "Oh yeah?" I say and he nods before reaching his hand and messing up my hair.

"Oh yeah." He says with a laugh, the sun has nearly fully set, and now the song playing on the radio is "Kiss Land" by The Weeknd.

"Hey this is the song we danced to at that middle school dance." I say and John nods, "Yeah, you're right it is."

John pulls into my driveway and turns the radio down, I go to open my door and he leans over and stops me, "Wait." he says and I turn to face him, "Whatever it is make it quick I need to get inside before curfew." I say and John rolls his eyes and smiles.

"I got you something.." he says as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a jewelry box, he hands it to me and I open it, it's a gold heart locket, the one I had when we were kids but I lost it.

My eyes go wide and I smile and I look up at the necklace and up at him, "John.. thank you so much!" I say and he smiles at me and shrugs, "Oh it's nothing. Just a pretty necklace for a pretty girl." he says and I feel my cheeks start to warm up and I punch him in the arm playfully, "Shut up." I tease and he smiles at me.

"Can I help you put it on?" he asks and I nod my head as I unbuckle and hold my hair up, he wraps the necklace around my neck and does the clasp.

I put my hair down and pick up the locket hanging on the necklace, "Thank you so much John, I love it." I say and he smiles, "Goodnight Stass." he says and he kisses me on the forehead.

"Goodnight John." I say and I step out of his car and shut the door, "Love ya!" I yell as I walk to my front door, "Love you too!" he yells from his window as he drives off.

Although I wish he meant it more than friends.

Because I know I do.

𝐎𝐂𝐄𝐀𝐍 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒, john ambroseWhere stories live. Discover now