Visit Of Heaven Final Part

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Am I doing a little too much?  Yes

Did I love it?  A BIG YES

Do I feel sorry for them?  Maybe

But since the visit, only Lucifer and White really wanted to talk to me

The others….how can I put it…..were EXTREMELY afraid of me

I can understand them too, before me the great DESTROYER!


We should stop otherwise I will become too arrogant.

PoV White

Dark's display of power was impressive!

May be too much ?  Everyone is afraid of him now, except Lucifer.  But hey, it must make him happy to get the shot, that's all that matters.  Staying at home doing nothing must be boring

Azrael: “Father?”  he suddenly asks me

White: “Yes my son?”  I answer

Azrael:”Is…..everything he said true?

I, who expected this request, wait a few seconds and respond

Me: “Yes Azrael, he speaks the truth, he is the God of the Void and destruction, my direct opposite.”  I answer him honestly

Azrael, his brothers and the other angels (apart from Lucifer who still speaks to Dark) were still shaken by the information

Gabriel: Do you agree to destruction???  He asked me with fear

White: It's not a matter of agreeing, it's that there has to be a balance, creation must have an end, and destruction and the only option is the very existence of Dark.


the Angels: We are in trouble

They were extremely aggressive against the god of destruction, and almost attacked.

He would have died right now if Sera hadn't intervened

Sera: Could…….he could harm us…My lord?  She asks me with fear

Me:”If he wanted to hurt you, you will be erased from reality right now Sera
I even think he appreciates your character”

Will he like my character?  She said in confusion

Me: “What Dark likes are people with character, whether men or women, it’s the same for him.  Only those who have character can make Dark interesting.”

Will be:......

Michael: Why do you call him Dark?
He asks me with interest

Me::”You see Michael, at the very beginning of the universe, we were the only living beings
existing, so we named ourselves to facilitate communication, I gave myself the name White and he gave himself the name Dark, does that answer your question?”

Everyone was silent and we continued to present Paradise to Dark.

PoV Dark

Lucifer is really imaginative in these ideas, he's a lot like White at all

Ahhh the good old days.

He gives hundreds of ideas, one after the other, the craziest ones.

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