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Allure Miller woke from sleep with a start. She quickly sat up in her moonlighted room gasping for breath. 'Just another dream' she told herself. As she collected her thoughts and slowed her breathing she took a trembling hand and wiped sweat from the smooth brown skin of her face. She looked at the time 4:30 am. Letting out a sigh she knew she was not going to be able to sleep the last few hours. So, instead of staying in bed and remembering events from ten years passed she got up out of her queen sized bed and walked into her connected bathroom.

Turning on the lights to the bathroom she blinked a few times as her eyes adjusted to the brightness she looked into the mirror. Her long natural hair was twisted, wrapped, and covered with a silk scarf that pulled her hair from her face showing the heart shape of it. 'Great just great' she mumbled as she took in the tiredness of her eyes. They were not bags, at least not yet, but if she didn't get more rest there would be some soon. Letting out another sigh she stripped off her night clothes and turned the shower on to wash away the sweat and the lingering memories of the dream.

By the time she got out the water had ran cold and her skin had started to wrinkle. Drying off with a towel she brushed her teeth before she walked back into her bedroom and proceeded to get dressed for work; doing her routine of putting scented lotion on every inch of her skin, putting on her clothes, and then doing her hair by untwisting her 4C hair and letting it lay on her shoulders after pulling the twists apart more. Pulling on a black pencil skirt that skimmed her knees, a purple puffed sleeved shirt, and a white matching vest. Finished with dressing she walked over to her vanity and started on her makeup and hair. She put on her usual lip gloss and eye shadow ahead of taking off her silk scarf and untwisting her hair that came to mid back out of the scarves it was in. Deciding to leave her hair down she fluffed the twists our more and shaped it the way she wanted it.

Once she was done grooming herself she looked at the time and noticed that it was 6:45 am. Just 15 minutes before her alarm was to go off for the day. Deciding to get a few minutes head start she got up from her vanity and went to her desk that was situated into the corner of her master bedroom. Logging onto her account she accessed the internet and went straight to her e-mail address that she was given from work. Already as she looked at the inbox she knew that she was going to be very busy at the office.

She had several emails from co-workers and department heads asking her if she had any news about the new company that was buying them out. Since she was the personal assistant to the CEO people assumed that she knew everything. So instead of answering those until arriving at work she went to the next few. She had one from the CEO himself and clicked on it. Reading the email that was sent just that morning not to long ago she was notified that the heads of the company that was going to buy them out were stopping in randomly sometime during the day and that she should have the conference stocked and ready for them.

Just as she was closing out the email her alarm went off and she got up from her seat and turned it off as she left her room. Walking down the hall on the second floor of her house she passed her guest room before going to the third room on the floor by the stairs. Opening the door she walked into the room and sat down on the bed.

"Wake up baby," she said as she smooth her hand over the curly black long hair of her son.

"I don't wanna," he whispered back as he burled deeper into his covers.

"Come on baby. You have to get up," she said coexisted her son from under the covers.

She watched as he yawned and finally opened his eyes. Her breath caught in her throat. She didn't think she could stop doing that, not with his eyes so much like his father's. They were like gray storm clouds. She got up after she was sure that he wouldn't go back to sleep, "Get dressed while I go make us breakfast," she told him as she walked towards the door.

"Pancakes," he asked as he stood up in his twin sized bed.

"Only if you hurry," and laughed when he jumped of the bed and ran to his dresser to get dressed for school with a big grin on his caramel color face.

Closing his door she made her way down her wooden staircase. At the bottom she turned towards her left into the living room. Making her way into the kitchen she put on an apron to protect her clothes and got out the necessary items to make the pancakes. By the time she had the first few coming off the griddle her 8 years old son was tumbling into the room with his backpack and a smirk on his face, another trait he got from his father.

"Pancakes," he asked, "with chocolate chips?"

"Don't push it Jackson, they have strawberries in them," she told him as she put a plate in front of him.

"Next best thing," he said as he shrugged his shoulders as he poured syrup on them and began to eat.

She had to shake her head at him. Her son was the brightest thing in her life. Even if he continued to remind her of the one person she wanted to forget or never see again. She was doing well on the not seeing part, but it was the forgetting that she was having problems with.


Let me know if I should keep going


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