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Allure walked into the top floor of the 5 story building around the same time that she always did at 7:30 am. Most of the employees didn't clock in until 8, but since she was the PA she always came in at least half till so that she could knock some things out the way or have them prepared. The first thing she did after she dropped her bag at her desk was to make sure that the conference room was stocked. Seeing that items like coffee and tea needed to be bought she took notes of what they were out of and made her way back to her desk.

Before she could sit down and even make a call to the errand room, one of her close friends raced up to her and asked, "So, do you have any news about the buyers?"

Sitting down completely Allure arched one of her eyebrows up, "Well, hello Hannah good morning to you too."

"Good morning smarty, now about the buyers," Hannah rushed back to the point.

Letting out a puff of air Allure answered, "All I know is that it's the Life Group Cooperation."

Hannah's forehead creased in thought before the name dawned on her, "You mean Life Group as in We-take-everything-and-ruin-competitors Life Group or the We-live-up-to-name-and-provide-everyday-things-for-everyday-lives Life Group?"

"Are they not the same people and did you just use their motto," Allure asked looking down at her desk top and logging in.

"Yes they are one in the same, but they are still bad. They kind of remind me of some other co operations. I mean they do provide good living, but they also take people's livelihoods. Didn't you read the article on how they allowed people who worked for the bought out companies stay and then fired most after one year?"

"I believe they got fired because they didn't improve on their work," Allure replied.

"Anyway enough with Life Group, I want to know why Kevin is selling anyway?"

Letting her head drop back in annoyance Allure told her, "He will explain once everything is settled and now will you please let me get back to work?"

"Fine Miss Busy Body, we will finish this at lunch," Hannah said with her green eyes twinkling with determination and walked away with her shoulder length sandy brown hair bouncing as she walked.

Once Hannah was out of sight and back down to her department Allure picked up the phone and dialed the number to the errand room. Placing the order for the items that needed to be replenished she hung up the phone and started sending out info to department heads and letting them know that they could be pulled out for a meeting with the CEO of Life Group if requested.

It was as the last voicemail message was being written down that the head of her company Kevin Richards walked in the double doors that led from the elevators to her desk and waiting room, "Morning Mr. Richards," she greeted as he walked up to her desk.

"Allure how many times do I have to say call me Kevin here," he asked as he walked to her desk to collect any correspondence that was waiting for him

"You know I only call you Kevin outside of work, but here you are Mr. Richards the CEO," She answered as she handed him the six message slips.

Taking the messages from her hand he questioned, "Is the conference room ready?"

"Almost, there were a few items that needed to be restocked and they are being picked up as we speak."

"What would I do with out you kid?"

"Let's not think about it," she smiled and as a painful memory came to her as she watched him walk into his office door that was just behind and to the right of her desk.

She had just turned 19 and she was at one of the airport's many restrooms crying. She was 6 months pregnant and she was looking for a place to move. Not wanting anyone to find her especially him, when a middle aged white woman walked in. The woman took one look at Allure and rushed to her side, "Oh sweetheart are you okay," she asked which caused Allure to cry harder and wrap her arms around her swelling stomach.

Taking Allure into her arms she asked, "My name is Clara, what's yours?"

 "A...All...Allure," she hiccupped out.

Gripping her tighter Clara decided to take charge, "Now stop crying Allure. The stress is not good on the baby."

Hearing the word baby had Allure's tears stopping. She looked down at her belly and knew that in her heart that she didn't want to hurt her child in anyway so she stopped the tears as best she could, "It hurts," she said as her tears started to slow after awhile.

"What does sweetheart," Clara asked. Instead of saying words Allure placed her hands from her stomach to her heart. "Are you running?"

Shaking her head, "No, no one wants me and the father, the father...," she trailed off and started crying again.

Knowing what this girl was going through Clara knew she just couldn't leave this girl here by herself. Not pregnant and alone like she had been and she believed in her heart as she gathered Allure closer to her that her and her husband were meant to help. Why else would she be led to this restroom and to this girl?  

And it was on that day almost 10 years ago that she met Kevin and Clara Richards. A couple of Upper Class Whites that helped Allure move from New York City to Settle away from all the pain and hurt that caused her to be in the place that she was now. It was on that day that they became her adoptive parents since they had no children on their on and it was one that day that Allure started to make a new life for herself and her unborn child.   

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