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It was a few days later, after her run in with Seth, that she could honestly say that her nerves were getting the best of her. She was on edge and the only reason for that was her mind was running a mile a minute. For she knew that where Seth was Noah was not too far behind and if Seth was the Vice President and CFO of Life Group Enterprises then she knew on some level that Noah had to be the CEO. Her stomach was in knots as she typed away at her desk setting up appointments for different department heads and their managers and employees to meet with the new owners. It was as she was finishing up the last appointment time for the finical department that she saw a shadow loom over her. Stopping her work she looked up to see Seth standing in front of her.

"Hello Allure," he simple stated and the knots in her belly tightened.

"If you are here to see Mr. Richards, Mr. Miller, I will be more than happy to let him know you are here," she said as she was grabbing the phone to make call to her adoptive father to let him know Seth was in the office looking for him.

Seth noticed she refused to greet him or call him by name. A smirk that ran in the men of the Miller family graced his face as he put him hand on top of hers and pushed it down causing her to hang up the phone.

Disgusted and a little afraid Allure snatched her hand away and glared at the man before her. "What do you want?"

He could tell that he was making her upset and even though he wouldn't admit it out loud it was nice to know that he still had that effect on her to some extent. He noticed that even though around 10 years have passed she was still raw from what happened. He needed to set things straight and in motion for not only her, but his cousin when he learned of Allure being right under his nose. Turning the smirk into a charming smile her replied, "I'm not here for Mr. Richards, but you. I would like to take you out to lunch to make admins from past wrongs," he watched as her back straightened and her posture stiffened.

"There's no need to Mr. Miller," she simply stated as she quickly dismissed him and went back to finishing her task.

Letting out a deep sigh he stuffed his hands into his suit pants. "Allure, I know this is somewhat difficult for you to handle, but...," he started, but as soon as he said the words he knew they were the wrong thing to say.

"Difficult? Difficult," she questioned as she stood up and leaned on her desk towards him. "I'll tell you what's difficult. Difficult was when you, your cousin, and stupid frat brothers decided on the little bet you all started. Difficult was finding out the truth when I trusted your fucking cousin. Difficult was when I had to make the choice of getting an abortion or not. Difficult was having to leave school because of the fall out that happened. So, excuse me if you find it difficult for me to speak to you or have lunch like old pals." She was shaking the anger in her too great to stay contained. She could feel tears prickling her eyes, but she refused to let them fall.

Seth rocked back on his heels as he listened to her speak and let out another sigh. "I know what we did was fucked up on so many levels, but I really would like to resolve things and apologize. I was wrong, we all were wrong, and I'm sorry for my part in things."

Allure plastered a fake and condescending smile on her face. "Thanks, but apology not accepted. Now if you will excuse me I have work to do." With that she grabbed some files off her desk, rolled her eyes at him like he was nothing, and marched away.

He knew then that if she was unable to forgive him in his part of the fallout that hell would have to freeze over before she forgave his cousin. They were up shit creek without a paddle and an old saying came to mind as he watched her walk away. Wrath has no fury like a woman scorned and they had scorned her well.

Allure was seething by the time she made it to the 3rd floor and over to Hannah's office. As she walked people who would normally greet her took one look at her angry face and quickly looked away getting back to work. She finally made it to her friend's office door and walked in slamming the door behind her. Hannah looked towards her with a worried expression has she watched her face turn from anger to sadness as tears started to quickly fall from her eyes.

"Oh, honey, what's wrong," Hannah asked as she went to her friend and guided her to the couch that ran along her left accent wall.

"Everything, everything is wrong. My life was going well and now, now this. Oh my god I am so stupid to think I was okay," she sobbed as her emotions took over. Allure's mind was racing and fast. She had a deep fear of her husband coming back into her life and it was starting to come to fruition. When Kevin had talked to her after work the first time she saw Seth he had asked if he should back down, but she knew how important this was for him. He was getting older and with no children they all had decided to sale even after discussing if Allure wanted to possible run it.

"It'll be okay," Hannah said as she tried to comfort her.

"That's the thing, Hannah. It won't be okay." Taking a deep breath Allure decided to tell her longtime friend everything. She was Jax's godmother she should know. "Remember when I told you about Jackson's father, Noah, and how he played a cruel joke on me in college?" Hannah nodded her head. "Well Seth was one of the guys who was in on it and is actually Noah's cousin," Allure explained. "So, with that said if Seth is here then..." She couldn't finish. So Hannah finished for her.

"Then that means that Jax's father isn't too far behind. Oh, honey," Hannah cooed as she rubbed her friend's back. "I'll help in any way I can." And with that she allowed her friend to break down and final cry the tears she had been avoiding for years to shed.


After years of not feeling motivated from health issues and honestly just life getting away from me I have decided I needed to finish my two stories on here. It's been about 8 years since the last update and I am very sorry for that, but after loosing the computer that had the original story on it and loosing chapters I just gave up. Now I am just wanting to finish what I started. I won't tell you when I will update next, but I am halfway done with the next chapter. Please be patient with me and forgive any grammar mistakes. If you have feedback please leave it, but I do ask not to be rude about it. I can handle critics and accept what they have to say, but not assholes and their foolishness. Also, if you want to make banners or character suggestions let me know I would enjoy seeing who you guys picture them as.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2018 ⏰

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