Chapter 2 - Classes

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The train ride back to Hogwarts was interesting. Uneventful until we got around one of the bridges and a flying car showed up out of nowhere. Everyone that was awake and looking out the windows saw it. Some gawked, and others rolled their eyes. Whoever it is is going to get in trouble.

"I hope I don't run into Peeves on the first day," a Hufflepuff second-year said.

"Highly unlikely," I said. "The more you don't want him around the more he seems to show up."

"He tied my shoes together on the first day of classes last year and I fell in front of the whole class."

"Sounds like him."

"I heard he poured a bucket of water over Filtch's head two years ago on the first day of classes."

"Yeah, he likes to show off to the first years. If he causes major trouble just let the Blood Baron know and he can set him straight. Though only for emergencies."

"Thank you..." they started to say before realizing they didn't know my name.

"Im Vega," I said. I didn't want to say my last name because my little brother hasn't been making a good impression, especially to anyone in his class who's not in Slytherin.

"Im Justin," he said.

"Nice to meet you, Justin."

There was a knock on our cabin door. One of the Prefects showed up. It was Percy Weasley. He was dating Penelope Clearwater.

"Time to get your dress robes on," he told the younger students. "We're almost to the platform."

"Oh okay thank you," Justin said.

I nodded my head to Percy, and he nodded his head back. I watched as Justin left to get ready. The rest of the train ride was quiet and uneventful like it was before the flying car showed up.

I sat at the Ravenclaw table waiting for Dumbledore's Welcome back speech after the new first years were sorted.

"Welcome! Welcome to another year at Hogwarts. Now, I'd like to say a few words... before we all become too befuddled by our excellent feast. First, I'm pleased to welcome the famous Gilderoy Lockhart, who has kindly filled the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Good luck, professor."

Cheers, shouts, and whistles could be heard around the room. I could see the majority of the girls fawning over him. I know he's a celebrity but the more people act like this it'll go to his head and he'll be ego-driven more than he already is.

On the way back to the dorms before the first day of classes, I could hear the girls giggling and talking about Professor Lockhart. I rolled my eyes. We got to our portrait.

"What loses its head in the morning but gets it back at night?" the painting asked.

"A pillow," I said.

It opened and I stepped inside.

"How come you always know the answer?" one of the girls behind me asked. "One time it asked me a question and it took five minutes before someone showed up and knew the answer. It was so hard!"

"I don't know. I think I read it somewhere," I said shrugging my shoulders.

We entered in and some stayed around to hang out with close friends before bed, whereas I and a few others went to get ready for tomorrow. I had two roommates. We were usually pretty quiet except for the occasional question about homework or some gossip, but nothing over the top like other girls do in their dorms.

"Hey Vega how was your summer?" Hayley asked me.

"It was a typical summer like the rest. How was yours?" I asked.

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