part 2: Clownfish's life.

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Part two.

A beautiful great barrier reef was a beautiful place, a place full of fishes.

two clownfish named Coral and Marlin looking out over the reef. "Wow..."

Coral nodded with a hum.


Coral continued humming in agreement.


"Yes, Marlin. No, I see it. It's... beautiful." Coral said with a smile.

Marlin grins at the ocean. "So, Coral, when you said you wanted an ocean view, you didn't think you were gonna get the whole ocean view, did you? Huh?" He replied

he swims out of the anemone before breathing deeply.
"Oh yeah. A fish can breathe out here! Did your man deliver? Or did he deliver?" He asked.

Coral rolls her eyes and smiles. "Man delivered." She replied.

Marlin nods. "And it wasn't so easy."

Coral smirked at her husband playfully. "Because a lot of other clownfish had their eyes on this place." She Teased.

Marlin looked at her. "You better believe they did. Every single one of them." He said.

Coral smiled as she swam with marlin. "Mm-hmm. You did good. And the neighbourhood is awesome." She said as she steers Marlin's focus back to the coral reef, where their neighbors, an array of multi-coloured marine life, happily go about their business amidst the exotic foliage that blankets the reef.

Until The others Loz, Mallo, mitz, and Rosalie swimming to see the great barrier reef. "Whoa...this place is really beautiful." Mallo smiled envious.

"Yeah, but right now we have to focus... We need someone to help us." Loz responded to his best friend.

They swam down to ask someone for their help, but they just ignored and never listened. "Nope," the fish shook his head.


"No thanks,"

"Sorry, but I can't help you." Female fish said.

They feel a little exhausted. "This is no use they can't even help us!" Mitz cried.

Rosalie sighed. "Maybe we should rest," She replied with a panting when she was exhausted.

Meanwhile, Marlin and Coral were watching the view of the great barrier reef Coral looks concerned, which Marlin notices. "So, you do like it, don't you?" He asked.

"No, no, no. I do. I do. I really do like it." Coral ressured before she leads him out to the edge.
"But Marlin, I know the drop-off is desirable with the great schools and the amazing view and all that. But do we really need so much space?" She replied.

Marlin gave her a soft look. "Coral, honey, these are our kids we're talking about. They deserve the best. Look, look, look..."

he swims into the anemone before acting it out. "They'll wake up, poke their little heads out, and they see a whale passing right by their bedroom window!" He exclaimed happily.

"Shhh... You're gonna wake up the kids." Coral shushes him quietly.

Marlin Understands. "Oh right, right." He sheepishly spoke.

Marlin follows Coral down to a small grotto in the rock below. They peek in at a bed of fish eggs nestled within the rock. The nuclei of the eggs quiver at random.

"Aww look...They're dreaming." Coral cooed softly.

Marlin smiled at the eggs, which he's going to be a parent, Marlin and Coral, soon to be parents, lovingly observe their babies from the entrance of the grotto. "We still have to name them." Coral reminded.

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