Chapter 1

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I woke up to sun rays beaming into my house and the sound of the tree's moving from the wind. 

"Ughh," I groaned as i simply just wanted to sleep in more.

I found this house a year ago whenever i was trying to find shelter from the zombies that got so bad in my town i was at. But being in this house alone doesn't scare me because i know how to fight and take care of myself.

I learned how to be so fearless and defensive when i was younger. My mom would always do these fighting lessons with me, so whenever I grew up I would be able to protect myself. It was almost like my mom was my personal karate coach.

But during the first out break a few years ago I lost her due to a clicker. I still remember her screams they were so loud and she sounded so scared I've been quite traumatized ever since.

I finally got out of bed and decided to go hunting for food.

Hunting was something my dad teached me as a kid. He died due to a car crash though and to be honest I don't have a lot of stories to tell you about him because he wasn't really home it was just my mom and I.

I loaded up my gun for hunting and now I'm ready to go.

It's very peaceful out here...and VERY green it's like literally everywhere I look BAM there's more grass and trees.

Suddenly I hear and noise of bushes rattling so I turn around and see a squirrel...perfect.

I then aim my gun towards it trying not to make noise to scare it off and then I shot it.

Yes I will be honest I feel so bad when I kill an animal, but how else am I supposed to survive......exactly there's really no other way I can. I would starve without being able to hunt.

I then walked back inside with the squirrel and set it down on my counter and started removing the excess fur and skin. This part grosses me out but I gotta do what I gotta do.

Alright now i'm done with that, so now I'm gonna wash the meat and then store it in some ice in my freezer because I don't really plan on eating it now.

*A few hours later*

Right now I'm just writing in my journal. I love to journal it keeps me busy for a bit I mostly write down my feeling or things I need to get off my mind.

*Clicking noise*

Oh my god I really didn't want to do this today.

I then quietly reached over to my nightstand and grabbed my gun. I hate clickers since you know it's the zombie that killed my mom.

I then slowly and silently walked around my house trying to find where this stupid thing was.

Clickers are blind so I don't need to really hide but I do need to keep quiet because if they hear you they will find you in seconds.

I looked around the counter and saw it by my dinner table just walking weirdly like they normally do.

Suddenly my foot step made the floor creak. Shit. I thought while standing as still as possible for a second.

I start to run into my bathroom before it could get to me but I guess as I was shooting behind me i killed it because once I turned around it was just laying there on my floor dead.

You have to be kidding me I really have to drag this thing out. 

I grabbed some gloves from my drawer in my kitchen because I don't want to touch it and now I'm walking up to it grabbing the arms.

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