Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

*I just realized I forgot to list Warren on truck, engine or aid car so let's just say he's on desk duty. *


"Okay, something is seriously wrong," Vic said, and everyone nodded. Andy was one to always hang out with her team. Especially during meals.

"What's seriously wrong?" Natasha asked, coming into the room.

"Herrera. It's like she's shutting everyone out." Maya told her. "She's starting to remind me of me when I was spiraling," Maya told them, and everyone's hearts dropped.

Without saying anything Natasha walked out of the room and to Andy's office. She knocked on the door and opened it. She saw Andy passed out on her desk and frowned.

Natasha walked over to Andy and gently shook her. Andy jumped awake.

"Sorry. I'm sorry." Andy said and stood up, gripping the desk to balance herself. Natasha looked at her, concerned.

"Andy, your team is worried about you and frankly now I am too," Natasha told her. "You're off shift as of right now," Natasha saw Andy about to argue so raised her hand. "No. You fell asleep at your desk, Andy. You need a break and I honestly think you need to talk to someone."

Andy looked at her and sighed. "Look, I'm just tired, okay? Please don't send me home." Andy begged.

"Go and get some lunch," Natasha ordered. "We'll see how you feel after that." Andy nodded, grabbed her button-up shirt and went to the beanery.


In the beanery everyone was still in their own state of concern about Andy when they heard her walking into the room.

"What's for lunch?" Andy asked, a forced smile on her face.

Maya smiled and wrapped an arm around her friend's shoulders while Andy's arm went around Maya's back out of habit, and the pair walked over to the table.

"We just made some soup, something light and easy," Ben said, bringing a bowl over.

"Thanks, Warren." Andy thanked him and dug in. She wanted to eat as quickly as possible so she might get a nap in before they got a call.

Andy was a bite away from finishing the soup when the alarms sounded. She had to hold in her groan.

Full company 19. Structure fire. 2344 William Street.

Andy rushed to the engine, Natasha walking up to her.

"You feeling okay, Herrera?" Natasha asked, voice a whisper to make sure no one overhears.

Andy nodded. "I am. Think food is what I needed. I promise I'm okay." Andy added when Natasha was looking at her with doubt on her face. Natasha nodded and watched as the trucks sped off, hoping she wouldn't regret letting Andy stay on shift.


The team got to a two-story house and got out of the trucks.

"All right, Beckett and Sullivan, you're on fire attack. Montgomery and Larsson, vent the roof. Everyone else, search and rescue in pairs." Andy ordered. "Green and Boyd, be ready for anyone that comes out of the house with medical."

Andy looked around and saw a neighbour come out of their house. "Hey," Andy called walking over. "Do you know how many people are living in that house?"

"It's a family of four with a puppy. Two moms with a teenage daughter and I, uh, I think a son in his preteens."

"Thank you for the information Ma'am," Andy said, walking back to the front yard. "Green set up triage. Family of four live here." Andy looked at him and saw him nod. Andy grabbed her radio. "Search and rescue, there's a family of four with a dog living here. Call out when you find someone." Andy ordered.

"Found the son." Andy heard Maya say. "Bringing him out now." A minute later Andy saw Maya and Vic bringing him out. They brought him over to triage and walked over to Andy.

"Do you want us to go back in, Cap?" Vic asked and Andy nodded.

"What's the situation like in the house?" Andy asked, hoping they'd have enough time to get the whole family out.

"Fire contained to two rooms, the house seems stable," Vic told her. Andy nodded and Vic and Maya ran back into the house.

"Has anyone found the daughter or mothers?" Andy asked over the radio when no one had come out.

"Found the two women." Andy heard Cutler say over the radio. "Bringing them out now."

"Copy, Cutler." Andy watched the door. "Does anyone have eyes on the teenage girl yet?" Andy asked, the house seemed stable, and the roof was vented but she didn't want anyone in the house longer than necessary.

"On the way out now." Andy heard Vic say. "We also have the puppy," Vic added and Andy had to smile at that. She hoped it was Maya carrying the puppy.

"Next time, we save the puppy"

Andy remembered that day. Watching Miller receive all the praise for saving Charlie when she and Maya had carried Tiffany out was frustrating. Andy was shaken out of the memory when she saw Cutler and Wiggins bringing the women out and shortly after she saw Vic leading the teenager out while Maya was holding the puppy.

Andy watched Maya look at her, a grin on her face, Andy was sure her face was reflecting hers.

"Alright, everyone's out of the house. How's the fire, Sullivan?" Andy asked over the radio.

"It's almost out, Captain."

"Copy." Andy looked over to triage and saw that the family was awake, but all were on oxygen. "Dispatch, how much longer for more aid cars?"

"Three minutes out, Captain."

Andy sighed and watched her team attend to the family. Maya brought the puppy over and Andy pet him for a moment.

"You got the puppy this time," Andy said, smiling.

"Hell yes I did." Maya said, holding the puppy with one arm and high-fiving Andy with her free hand. "I'm going to go bring the puppy over to the family and then we'll start overhaul."

"Thank you, Bishop." Andy smiled and watched Bishop walk away. Maya handed the puppy to the teenage girl who was alert and stable now.

Andy smiled. This was a good call.

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