| • Chapter 1 • |

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It was cloudy and there was a chill in the air. The sun was soon to set, just as the ongoing battle between two individuals was about to end.

In the silence of the night only swords can be heard colliding into one another, two best friends were having a friendly spar as they usually did every weekend.

You landed on your butt as the wooden sword you were using was kicked away from you just as another was being pointed at your neck, you sighed in defeat "Gosh, and i thought i was good with swords."

Your training partner snickered at your remark "You may be better at me with everything else (Y/n) but not this."

You rolled your eyes "Yeah, yeah, help me up Soshiro I'm too tired."

Hoshina helped you up and you quickly dusted off the dirt on your shirt and sat down on the tatami floor. There was green tea and other snacks that you had prepared earlier on the tray beside you.

After wiping away the sweat on his forehead Hoshina quickly sat beside you. "Y'know if you had infinity on you could've beat me, and i wouldn't even have been able to lay a hand on you."

You sipped on your cup of green tea and replied "What's the fun in that? besides its not like I'm the one you're preparing to fight, i doubt some nobody villain out there has infinity."

Hoshina laughed, gosh his laugh was so pleasing to the ear. "I guess you're right, after all you alone are the honored one" You internally cringed at his words "Yah! stop that i only said that once because i was so in the moment!" 

"Fufu~ Sure, sure"

"Pls shut up."


You downed your tea and in a more serious tone asked "Hey Soshiro, you once said you weren't training to be a pro-hero, so if not that then what are you training for?"

Hoshina processed your question for a moment then eagerly replied "Oh! to be a defense officer actually! My quirk is a bit too "lethal" to be a hero, most heroes would opt to capture their target I'm more into— eradicating so i think its better i work as a defense officer."

Heroes were already too busy with handling Villains so the Defense force was created. Kaijus have not been around for a long time, no one knows how they appeared so suddenly. However very little attacks have been recorded the last 10 years. Most Kaiju appearances at places deemed not to have had a lot of Kaiju attacks have no need for the Defense force as heroes there could handle it just fine.

However there are 3 main divisions situated at different locations throughout Japan. These divisions were put in places where the most formidable Kaijus appear more frequently.

You looked at him in admiration "Ohhh! that's true... i guess fighting Kaiju's would better suit you! Villains and Kaijus are different you can't be going around murdering villains after all they are still human."

"For Kaijus however, it's a different story."




--------------" ⍥⃝   ⍢⃝    ⍥⃝     ⍢⃝   "

Based on a random dream i had so i quickly summarized it in my notes.

Best dream ever FOREAAAAL

Be delulu enough you'll start dreaming about them too—


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