| • Chapter 2 • |

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"Oya! Soshiro—!!!"

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"Oya! Soshiro—!!!"

"Hey! HEYYY!"

"Dude wait up!"

It was dismissal time and a friday too, usually you would walk home with Hoshina since your houses are from the same direction. Today you were actually planning on treating him to some coffee however he seemed to be ignoring you, why was he ignoring you!?

You ran up to him but being careful in your steps as it just rained so the road was pretty slippery "Oi why are you ignoring me!"


"Sure doesn't seem like it, C'mon you're never like this—!" Y/n was cut off when he spoke.

"Is your infinity off?"

Y/n was a bit taken aback by the sudden question, you never ever turn your infinity on when you hang out with him of course unless needed or if you feel like there is danger. Of course this is due to your "Six eyes" making your senses far better than anyone else.

"Why are you asking me that? i never turn on infinity when I'm with you."

First he ignores me, now he's asking the most obvious questions, he's acting really strange today.

Why is he holding an umbrella to the side?


Ahh this bitch—!

Suddenly a car drove by splashing you with rain water, Hoshina however was protected by his umbrella.


In your defense, you saw that car from a mile away and you knew what he was planning the moment he took out his umbrella, but for the sake of pulling him out of his momentary depression you let yourself fall into the trap.

Hoshina was still laughing up a storm while clutching his stomach, oh well, at least he's back to himself. But of course you still had to feign annoyance.

"You- YOU BITCH—! my glasses are all wet too! if i see a single scratch from the dirt on this you're paying!"

"HHAHAHAHA—! This is what you get for grouping up with that other girl for the project instead of me!"

Ahh is that what this is about.

Y/n took off her wet jacket and stuffed it in her bag as well as putting her glasses up to her head and suddenly put her arm around  Hoshina and started walking.

"C'mon I'm treating you to coffee."


" ⍥⃝    ⍢⃝    ⍥⃝     ⍢⃝   "

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