Chapter 5

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Peter scrambled out of his bed room, nearly falling over himself as he used his web shooter to grab his breakfast toast and slam it down his throat before using the web to grab his backpack before leaving the apartment.

. . .

"Dang it, dang it, dang it," he muttered as he weaved through the people in the street, nearing the school's walls as he saw the gate at the front beginning to close. He then looked around for a few moments, searching for a way to scale the wall before seeing a small truck that was nearing the front of the gate. He then picked up his pace, nearly knocking a person down before he hopped up and landed in the bed of the truck before jumping again and latching on to the lip of  the wall. He then threw himself over before running to the doors.

"Just a few minutes left!" he muttered as he darted down the halls, moving through the crowds much like he did in the streets, looking at the numbers on the plaques before seeing his home room and nearly blowing the door down as he entered the classroom, "Yes!" he yelled as the bell rang. 

As Peter relished in his speed, he then heard someone clear their throat, "As valiant as your effort was to arrive to class on time, could you please stand at the front of the class and introduce yourself?"

Peter then looked around, seeing a few of the students chuckling to themselves before he felt a blush cover his face, "S-Sorry," he said as he walked to the front of the class, bashfully rubbing his neck, " H-Hello," he said, "My name is Peter Parker, it's nice to meet you all."

[P.O.V. Change] 

Stephanie tapped Tim on the shoulder, partially pulling his attention to her as he tried to complete the last of his homework, " Yeah?" he muttered, "Look it's the kid that Barbra was talking about," she said, pointing to Peter as he said a few things about himself.

Tim then looked up from his homework and looked at the new student as he fumbled with his introduction, "Oh yeah," he said, " He seems a little beat up though, maybe he got into some trouble on the way here." he said, glancing over to Stephanie, "Maybe.. think we should help him out? I'd feel bad if he got into trouble agian and we couldn't help him out."

"I don't see why not." he said, before turning back to his homework, "After class though, he's sitting a little to far away."

"What do you.." she trailed off before returning her attention to the front of the class, only to see that Peter had already taken a seat, "Oh, he moved pretty fast." she said, a little surprised.

. . .

Peter let out a sigh as the class finally finished. It wasn't exactly difficult, maybe even a little under his education but he also had advanced classes because May wanted him to do his best, but after she figured out his secret, or when he suspected she figured it out, she had pulled him out of a few of the classes to help with his fatigue.. she was always thinking of him, one way or another.

Suddenly, Peter could feel he was being tailed. It wasn't necessarily with bad intention, but it was a little odd sense he only just arrived to the school. Not only that, they were pretty good at it, easily and seamlessly weaving through the crowd, not alerting anyone, and even beginning to notice he knew they were tailing him.. that last bit wasn't suppose to happen, but he ended up slipping the façade a little. Peter then turned around, purposely bumping into one of the people tailing him. Peter took a little pride in his nerd years, learning how to fall was a skill that he even took into heroing so he was easily able to make it look like he'd fall flat on his butt.. at least before he was grabbed and straightened up.

" Are you okay?" Tim asked, "S-Sorry!" Stephanie said, the one Peter bumped into, "We were coming to talk to you a-and then you turned on a dime." she trialed off, "Ah- um.. Hello."

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