Chapter 6

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Okay, Now let’s start with the sixth chapter of A Love So Pure. I hope you will give it lots of love.

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In the morning chaos, A girl is having a peaceful sleep when she feels someone disturbing her. Stretching her hand she holds the sole reason for the disturbance.

“Mickey, Stop disturbing mumma.” She said in her sleepy voice, earning a bark. She opens her eyes and looks at the dog in front of her who is waiting for her to wake up. She Sighs and gets up. Sitting on her bed she takes the dog in her arms.

“Stop disturbing Me in the early morning.” She said, poking Mickey's forehead. “Niharikaa, are you planning to get scolded on your first day itself?” A voice came from downstairs, making her widen her eyes.

“Oh Shit.” She got up from her bad. “Mickey, why didn't you wake me up early? Now she I am getting late for work on my first day.” She shouts while taking her clothes. Mickey looks at her with What-the-fuck look. Niharika roll her eyes and walk Inside washroom.

In next 20 minutes, she came out wearing black top and light brown straight Pants. Niharika Walk towards dressing table, taking comb she started making her hair in ponytail. “I don't have time to wash my hair. Thank god they are not looking too bad.” She mumbled to herself looking at herself in mirror. After applying Body lotion, she apply some Kajal and then lib balm.

“Perfect.” She approve the look and then walk out taking her bag. Walking Down the stairs, she came towards dinning table and take bread jam With her before walking out hurriedly. “Bye mom dad.” She yell. Mamta (Niharika's Mom) shook her head looking at her daughter, “she wouldn't wake up early, then take Bread and walk out like a bagger.” She said.

Harishchandra (Niharika's dad) chuckled, Hearing his wife's words, earning a glare from her.

Niharika sits inside her car and brings the engine to life. “Let’s go Niharika, Before you get late.” The next second car was running on the road.

The car stopped in the parking lot of the most famous and well known hospital Lifesaver.

“Good morning, I am a new Intern Doctor here. Niharika Parmar.” Niharika said to the receptionist. She looks at Niharika and smiles. “Welcome, You are on time. The counselling is going to start Any moment. It's on the 4th floor, 4th room. Have a nice day.” The receptionist Said.

Niharika, after thanking her, makes her way towards the lift. Entering it she pressed the 4th floor button. As the lift is about to get close someone out their Hand In between stopping it.

Niharika looked at the person who entered, they made eye contact and like time stopped for that person he just stood There looking at her. Niharika on The other hand was waiting for him to get Inside as she is already getting late. Seeing him staring at her, Niharika feels his Graze creepy.

“If you don't want to enter then step back I am Already late.” She said coldly looking at him. The person looks Into her eyes which are cold as ice. He can see nothing in them, just blank.

He entered inside and life closed. Niharika waited for the lift To reach the 4th floor as soon as Possible. The person was looking at her again and again.

“Myself P.P Pratik Prajapati.” He said Turning towards her with a smile, looking directly into her soul. Niharika looked at his hand which he extended for a handshake and then again at him. Creep The only word she can think of is looking at his smile. She can feel his aura speak, stay away if you want to be safe to which she totally agrees and without saying anything she leaves as soon as life opens.

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