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My eyes split open. Alert. I don't know why until I process the vibrations of my phone echoing loudly in the room. A few blinks at the unfamiliar surroundings and it all comes back to me in a flood. Arriving at Sebastian's beach house. Getting drunk and kicked out of Sebastian's beach house. Walking aimlessly at the private beach. Calling Harry. Harry picking me up. Spilling my guts at a diner Harry took us to. Meeting Harry's sister's dog at her house. Wearing Harry's clothes and sleeping in his bed.

Harry. Harry. Harry.

The buzzing continues. A small bright light illuminates the room.The curtains are doing an excellent job of blocking out the light from the outside. I hastily launch my hand towards the nightstand and squint at my phone.

Rowan Lowery

My eyes double in size. More scenes from last night re-introduce themselves. Frantically calling my friends until I was forced to call Harry— one of those friends being Rowan. Leaving Rowan a voicemail with a ramble I can't currently remember but I can only imagine is embarrassing on my part.


"Noa? Thank god! Are you okay?" He sounds relieved while my throat sounds like it has the same mechanisms as a frog's.

"Y-yeah, yes. I'm okay." I clear my throat and sit up, rubbing the drowsiness from my face. "What's up?"

"I got your message. I didn't see it until this morning, I'm so fucking sorry—"

I cringe. Alcohol was a bad idea yesterday.

"—I was with friends all night and I came back home and immediately crashed. Your message scared the shit out of me, Noa. Did you really go to the Hamptons?"

"Oh. Yeah. It-It was stupid but I needed to talk to Sebastian and—"

"I hope you kicked his ass."

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