Chapter 20: Living

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Stepping back, Autumn stared at the wall before her. They had been painted a light blue, giving a soft, kind of modest feeling to the living room. With a tilt of her head, Autumn's lips pressed into a small frown.

"You don't like it?"

She shook her head. "No, no I like it." She turned to him. "What's the color called again?"

"Rain." Gian smiled. "I was hoping the color would give off a soft but still bright color that feels welcoming to everyone."

Autumn's smile softened. "Well you hit the welcome part right on the head." Before she turned to see him pulling up a binder. "We still need to finalize the wedding details. I was also hoping you would come with me to some of my favorite furniture places. We could see the furniture in real life and decided where to go from there."

"That would be good." Her hand rubbed her stomach absently. "Did the nursery get painted as well or..." Gian's smile grew as he led her to the back of the house where a freshly painted navy nursery greeted her. Stepping into the room, her vision blurred as she looked around the nursery.

Just standing in the room, she could already see the nursery. She could see the white painted crib against the wall with the white cloud details. In the opposite corner would be the changing station and then in the corner a rocking chair where she would be rocking her beautiful baby.

Feeling a tear fall, she wiped at it. Stupid tears.

"You alright?"

Nodding her head, she wiped at a few more escaping tears. "I'm just so, so happy." Her hand rubbed her belly a few more times before she sighed. "I'm still going to have to pain that crib white though."

"Let me take care of it." Gian replied. "You shouldn't be smelling painting fumes."

"You have already taken care of so much." She shook her head. "I couldn't ask you to do anything else."

"You know I don't mind." He shrugged his shoulders before he gave her a soft smile. "I'll just add it to the tab." Autumn chuckled as his arms wrapped around her waist. "And how bit exactly is my tab?"

"Hmm, it's pretty big." He pressed a kiss to her neck then her cheek and finally her lips.

"And what exactly can I do to cut it down?"

Grabbing her hand, her smile grew as he spun her around before she wrapped her arms around his neck. As his smile grew, he pressed his forehead against hers. For a minute neither of them said anything before he cupped her lip and pressed his lips against her. Their kisses soon became the only sound in the house.

Bzzt. Bzzt. Pulling apart, she glanced down at her phone. "I have to go. I forgot I'm meeting my sisters for lunch." His hand pulled her closer, causing her smile to widen. "You can't stay for a little longer?"

"I could," as he leaned forward, she pressed a finger against his lips. "But then I would have to hear it from them." He smiled against her lips before watching her make her way over to her purse and out the door.

Thankfully her sisters decided to have lunch at a restaurant not very far from her new home location. WIth a small wave to them, she sat down in front of Heather. "Alright, Gain made sure to double check all the venues and I wanted to do one last check with the wedding decorations."

Pulling out the wedding folder, they flipped through the various details, making sure that everything was one hundred percent finalized. "Alright," Heather slammed the binder shut. "Now that everything is finalized, I want you to tell us all about how you and lover boy are doing."

Shaking her head, heat flushed through her face. "What makes you think there's something to tell?"

"Well considering you're practically glowing."

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