Chapter 12

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Roseanne leaned over the table in the room they'd taken over in City Hall for the day, her palm on the surface as she pored over the overview of the plans that had been determined today.

Though she'd had the general idea for her campaign over the last month – because never would it be said that Roseanne Park wasn't a planner – and even though she'd been in contact several times with the handful of people that she had on her team, it couldn't compare to what had happened today, with everyone in the same place and working in conjunction with each other.

It was like having a little taste of the future she'd envisioned for herself, and she couldn't wait to have it all.

In addition to Jungkook, who doubled as her campaign manager, she had cultivated a team of people she'd met, worked with, and professionally trusted in the last seven years to help run the financial, strategic, public relations, and technological aspects of her team.

Then there was Felix Lee, who had been a gift, of sorts, from her grandmother. As someone who had worked closely on all of her grandmother's campaigns in the past two decades, Roseanne knew she could trust him in his official capacity as a strategist, as her grandmother called him.

Despite the fact that she'd been a little distracted in their earlier hours, given what had been going on with Lisa, Roseanne had spent the past few hours with what felt like electricity in her veins. By all accounts, she should have been exhausted; she'd only gotten a few hours of sleep last night after Lisa had left and then she'd worried over her not responding to phone calls or texts.

Not to mention the fact that her body had still been caught up in the rush of having Lisa in her bed, naked, coming for her. So, it had felt like the blink of an eye before she'd had to get up and get ready for her day of meetings.

And all of the planning and strategizing they'd accomplished had only made her buzz with anticipation, sending a thrill through her that was unique to this aspect to her life. It was in times like this that she knew this was her sense of purpose. That all of her careful plans and control were worth it.

Shaking her hair back, she scowled at the documentation of her meeting with Felix. Though his official title was strategist, Roseanne knew that his job also pertained to matters that got hands a little dirty. It was during her time with him earlier that he'd discussed the fact that David Verbeck had been sticking his sticky little fingers into her history and into all relevant files on her. Not that he would find anything, Roseanne had assured Felix.

Her professional record was spotless; Naomi and Verbeck could search in every nook and cranny that they could find, and they would still not be able to find anything on her. Roseanne had been extremely careful about every step she'd taken, academically, societally, and politically.

But it was simply the principle of the matter. Naomi and Verbeck together, despite the fact that they wouldn't be able to find any dirt on her, was enough to grate on anyone's nerves.

"Knock, knock," Jungkook's voice cut into her thoughts, and Roseanne looked up to see him pushing the door open. He'd left almost a half hour ago, along with everyone else, as shown by how he'd clearly already gone back to his office and packed up to leave as he was now standing there with his jacket buttoned up and ready. He nodded his head toward the laptop. "What are you looking at?"

She forced away her scowl. "Just the review from what Felix said."

Besides, she couldn't be too upset about it. Not when she had never been more sure in her life that all she wanted for her future was well within her grasp. Naomi Young might want to fight dirty, but if she did, Roseanne was no woman she could easily take down.

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