One shot 1: Never let you do that

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If Nasiens confesses to Anne and Donny, that they are neither a woman nor a man, what would be without baths then?

Or Anne refuses to allow Nasiens to bathe and sleep with the boys and Percival does not understand why.

After the reunion between Percival and his friends (Donny and Anne) decided to leave tomorrow to look for the others.

But before that, Nasiens still wanted to say a few things to his friends. They were a little nervous about denouncing the true nature of his sex. They looked at the sky before directing his gaze towards Percival, they blushed thinking about how he had discovered the secret of Nasiens.

⁃ I...I have something to say...Ends up blowing Nasians by looking away.

⁃ Something other than you are the son of the king of fairies and the queen of giants. Donny replied with a laugh.

Nasiens wanted to hide in a hole, so much embarrassment or embarrassment took him.

⁃ Donny! Stop bothering Nasiens. Repressed Anne by casting a look full of kindness to Nasiens who smiles at her.

⁃ If we no longer have the right to laugh. Says Donny, pretending to bout.

⁃ Tell us what you meant Nasiens. Suddenly replied Percival who listened to the conversation with a smile.

Nasiens took their hat in their hands trying to hide with it.

⁃ Anne, Donny... Began Nasiens embarrassed, Percival put himself behind them as if to accentuate his presence.

⁃ I...I don't have sex/gender ! Shouted Nasiens at once to finish it as soon as possible.

He had a silence, Nasiens could see the faces, let's say the shocked of Anne and Donny. Percival put his hand on the herbalist's hair to caress it.

⁃ Well that... This is another unexpected news but we love you as you are Nasians. Says Anne, taking the person concerned in her arms.

Nasiens had a little tears in their eyes, returning his hug to Anne.

Percival gave Donny an elbow for him to speak.

⁃ Hum.. Yes, as Anne said, you will always be our friend no matter what! Ends up saying Donny by putting his arms behind his head.

⁃ Nasiens, are you feeling better now? Asked Percival who had come back to caress their head, moreover Nasiens blushed at this.

Nasiens gently nodded their head as the green-haired man continued to caress the head of the hybrid.

⁃ I don't want to spoil this moment between you but we'd better go to the hostel to rest. Says Anne a little embarrassed to interrupt the exchange between the two.

⁃ Oh! Yes, of course. Nasiens replied by jumping over his speech.

And that's how the group of friends set out again for an inn.

Arrived at the inn, only two rooms were available and he had some complications for the repair.

⁃ Nasiens and I are going to take a room and you two the other. Joyfully said Anne, taking Nasiens by the arm.

⁃ What?! But why will you sleep together? Demande confuso Percival.

⁃ Because I can't let them sleep with boys like you, huh Nasiens? Anne replied as she brought the herbalist to their room.

Percival and Donny watched their friends leave without them being able to do anything.

⁃ Can we at least go to the baths together? Shouted the prince of hell while chasing them down the stairs.

Donny looked at his friend before blowing with a laugh.

When he went up the stairs to their room, however, he did not expect to find Percival in front of Anne and Nasiens' room talking with them.

⁃ We'll meet in the baths at least, I've always wanted to go with you! Said Percival holding the hands of Nasiens who blushed not expecting this sentence.

⁃ I... I don't know if I'm ready for that, Percival. The herbalist replied by detaching one of their hands from Percival's take. By using it to hide their face with the help of their hair.

⁃ He won't be able to go with you! Added Anne by passing her head to be seen by the rider of the apocalypse.

⁃ But why! Lamented the rider of death while making the eyes of puppies to Nasiens.

⁃ No, it's good! Said Anne before bringing Nasiens back inside their room.

Percival looked at the door dazed and surprised as Donny approached him.

⁃ Forget it my friend, you know Anne. Tried to reassure Donny by tapping his friend's shoulder.

⁃ But I wanted to bath with Nasiens. Sadly added Percival.

⁃ But why exactly? Asked Donny confused.

⁃ They smells like white flowers, and I also wanted to see their body. He ends up pouting.

Donny looked at him dazed. Could it be that his friend is a pervert?

At the same time in Anne and Nasiens' room.

⁃ Are you sure it's not too mean, Anne? Said a little annoyed Nasians by the way they had repacked their green-haired friend.

⁃ No, you have to be firm on it otherwise he will take a lot of freedom with you. Anne replied by putting herself next to them.


I hope you liked it. This is the first chapter of this collection. If you have any ideas for more, don't hesitate to give them to me!!

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