One shot 4 : Just You and Me

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The peloton was on its way to Benwick to find Lancelot, and it was stopped in a valley to rest a little.

Ps: Nasiens has already begun his change to the female sex and only Anne knows it. But I still use They/Them/Their for Nasiens; also my stories change chapters of the manga.


Percival's platoon was in a rather rocky valley and filled with greenery. They were not far from a lake to take a bath or clean themselves of the dirt, to resume their journey to find Lancelot.

They had taken the opportunity to eat and shower, the boys had gone there first and then it was Anne, because Nasiens did not feel ready to bathe with Anne of course the change of her body was more and more present.

And in order to Nasiens, they were relaxing in the water for his muscles, they were unfortunately not strong for physical efforts. They don't know why but when they are in a lake, they felt good. His body had changed since they had the incident last week, his breasts had grown well, they were even thind of buying new clothes.

While thinking about these new purchases for the new village, he did not notice any movements in the water. Nasiens gently raised his leg to rub it until...

⁃ Nasiens ! Percival exclaimed coming out of the water of the lake.

Nasiens was speechless as they saw Percival in front of him just as naked as he did. But we could see that the face of the hybrid was blushing more and more.

⁃ Percival! What are you doing there?! Asked Nasiens, hiding her chest while she was embarrassed.

⁃ I wanted to have a bath with you so I took advantage of the thing that Anne wasn't watching. Says Percival in chibi mode as he approaches Nasiens.

⁃ You should have asked me, Percival. Said gently Nasiens as they continued to hide his chest.

⁃ Sorry, Nasiens. I would no longer do it without your consent. Answered the green-haired boy, suddenly taking the young fairy's hands.

Nasiens smiles gently before caressing his head tenderly.

⁃ Don't worry, I don't blame you. They said while blushing.

⁃ Oh! But your breasts have grown again and your hair has grown slightly. He breathed while touching Nasiens' hair with his fingertips.

Nasiens blushed to become peony red, they got up quickly and left the lake quickly to change.

⁃ But what have I done again? Says Percival perplexed while pouting.

Nasiens will run the furthest (with his towel around his body) to get away from Percival so as not to be even more embarrassed by what had just happened. He didn't know how to react to this, they felt a little flattered if we could say it, but the fact that they were both naked does not help his embarrassment.

Nasiens blew a little before sitting in the grass to breathe a little, before changing. They were always embarrassed by the interaction but they felt his heart beating, they gently touched with his hand the place where his heart was by closing his eyes.

"Percival..." they thought, this name they loved so much. This man who monopolised his thoughts, which they had taken care of for two years. Percival, the man they had fallen deeply in love with.

As they thought about the loved one, flowers began to grow from the earth as if to symbolise the purity of Nasiens' feelings towards Percival. Animals took the opportunity to advance towards the fairy being that is the hybrid with amber chestnut hair.

Not far beyond hidden by trees, Percival looked carefully and tenderly at Nasiens. He wanted to approach, went to them but he couldn't do it.

"Why does my heart beat like this? "Thought the man with green hair, forming birds, as he looked at Nasiens who was splendid from where he was.

⁃ Magnificent... Was the name that came out of Percival's mouth.

While Percival continued to observe Nasiens from afar, the Percival minis appeared one by one.

⁃ Ouh~ You like him, this Nasiens~ Says one of the mini Percival on his head.

⁃ I love all my friends. Answered the real Percival as he looked away from the hybrid.

⁃ We know it, stupid. But Blanchefleur is special, isn't it? Retorted another mini Percival that was floating in front of him.

⁃ Blanchefleur? Yes, they look alike. They are both beautiful. It was all that he could say by noticing the similarities between the two.

The Percival minis looked up at the same time before their brother's imbecility.

⁃ You should go see him. We like him Nasiens. Says the mini Percival at the same time.

⁃ What? Do you like it like that? Asked Percival with an irritated tone.

⁃ Well, we like him Nasiens. They are so cute. Answered one of the mini Percival who was sitting on his shoulder.

⁃ You can't! It's them and me, Nasiens is mine not yours. He exclaimed softly so as not to attract the attention of Nasiens.

Angry at them, Percival headed for Nasiens. He no longer wanted to be around the Percival minis, all he wanted now was to be with Nasiens to calm down.

Nasiens finally opened his eyes, to see that Percival was in front of him. They blushed at the proximity between them, indeed the knight of the apocalypse was finally so close to his face.

⁃ Fwaa, you are beautiful with the white flowers around you. Says Percival by gently touching his fringe.

⁃ Oh! Thank you... replied Nasiens blushing slightly.

He continued to touch his hair, Nasiens let him appreciate this gesture on his part. Thus, they enjoyed this moment of calm just the two of them.

⁃ Nasiens. Parla Percival by murmuring the name of the person concerned.

⁃ Yes?

⁃ Promise me that it will be just you and me forever. He said, taking his left hand tenderly.

⁃ What—

⁃ Promise me.

⁃ It will be just you and me, Percival. I will never leave you. Says Nasiens with a tender tone to calm Percival feeling anger and jealousy in his voice.

In response, Percival gave a kiss in the hand that he held, on his fourth fingers.


I'm sorry if the chapter is cringe but I don't know why I like it.

The chapter is short and I blame myself for it but I hope you will like it as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24 ⏰

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