One shot 3 : One upon a dream

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Percival sees a woman every time, whom he wakes up. She is dressed in a white dress and she looks like a fairy.



I find that this one shot is poorly built, I was disgusted with myself.



When Percival opened his eyes, he looked around him looking for a clue to where he could be but where he was, was a valley like the fairy forest with a lake.

In the middle of the lake, he could see a silhouette that was there.

As if captivated by the person, he advanced towards him out of curiosity and another feeling that he could not identify.

⁃ Hey oh! Exclaimed Percival trying to call the person as he arrived in front of the lake.

The person turned to Percival, in this case, he could see that she was a woman dressed in a white dress with long sleeves. So, the woman of the lake began to smile as she advanced towards Percival, once in front of him. Percival could observe his beauty, his honey amber eyes, his long brown hair and his wings. This lady of the lake was a fairy, Percival already had it in the forest where he had slept for two years.

⁃ Percival, I've been waiting for so long. Said the lady with a mesmerizing voice while smiling softly.

⁃ Excuse me, do I know you? Asked perplexed Percival a little impressed by the lady in front of him.

⁃ Yes and no. She says simply, remaining ambiguous about her identity.

⁃ What do you mean by that? He asked.

⁃ Don't worry. She replied with a smile. - Follow me. She ended up saying by taking her hand bringing Percival with her.

While holding Percival's hand, the lady of the lake took him to a large tree to sit there.

They had sat in silence, without anyone wanting to talk about what is relaxing in some ways.

⁃ What is your name? Asked Percival when he realized that the name of the fairy next to her is unknown to him.

She smiles with sweetness and empathy.

⁃ I have a lot of names but you can call me Blanchefleur. She said, leaning towards him.

⁃ It's a very beautiful name, it will delight you. Simply replied Percival as it seemed normal to him.

Blanchefleur laughed softly at Percival's word.

⁃ You are always the same, as far as I remember. She replied by looking at him with tenderness.

⁃ Oh? Do you know me? Percival asked enthusiasm at the idea of learning more about Blanchefleur.

⁃ Yes, I know you very well. She said as she got closer to Percival.

Then she smiles again before putting her head on the shoulder of the knight of the apocalypse.

⁃ You are my hero, after all. She ends up saying looking up at him.

"You are my hero" Percival had already heard this sentence.

⁃ I'm sure I've already heard this sentence. Says Percival while reflecting.

The lady of the lake was only laughing a little at the questioning of the man in front of her.

⁃ Oh! It looks like it's time. Says Blanchefleur as she gets up.

⁃ The time for what? Asked Percival making the same gesture as Blanchefleur.

⁃ Let's separate. She simply answered.

Percival blinked lost eyes.

⁃ Why were we separating? He asked the question again, surprised not wanting to be separated from her.

⁃ Percival, I assure you that we will be able to meet in a short time. She replied by taking his hands in hers.

She smiles again before flying to get closer to her face. Before putting her lips on hers, she closed her eyes while she kissed him surprising Percival with this gesture.

She stepped back leaving Percival speechless before surrounding her arms by his neck.

⁃ I really want to stay with you but I know that the other me will be with you. She said with a calm voice but filled with emotion, putting her head on her shoulder.

⁃ The other you? Asked Percival as his arms surrounded the beautiful fairy.

She did not answer taking advantage of Percival's presence. While she knew that this moment would soon be over.

⁃ See you soon, my hero. She breathed slowly.

When Percival opened his eyes, he found himself in the valley where his friends had decided to spend the night.

Was it just a dream?

He felt a presence of heat next to him, and could see Nasiens holding his hand still asleep. It made him smile, Nasiens was always attentive to him, it made him so cute in Percival's eyes.




That's it, it's the end of this third story although I think I wrote it badly, I hope it has you more!

Don't hesitate to leave me reviews!

And sorry if it's short and bad...


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