1.17. ✓

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BEFORE YOU READ: lol hello this isn't a warning or anything like that so no worries, i just wanted to let you guys know what was going on with HoD because i'm sure you've noticed that the table of contents is looking very, very messy.

basically i'm just editing/rewriting the first half of this, because i'm just not happy with the way my writing flowed etc etc etc. so, everything that happened in earlier chapters still happened, the only things that changed were the table of contents layout, and one important detail. many of you probably forgot about this, as did i, but lena has a tattoo from back when she worked at the parlor. it was originally a small heart on her wrist, but IT CHANGED. now, it's the japanese kanji [] that means 'self.' the tattoo is on the skin behind her ear, these two details are important for 3B, so I suggest you keep that in mind. also, i finally made an 8tracks playlist for this, and my account is linked in my bio. but if you really want to get into this chapter, i suggest listening to Reflections by MisterWives, No Light by Florence + The Machine, and Wings by Birdy because they were on a loop as i wrote this. anyway, i hope you guys enjoy!!


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With every second that Allison's plan seemed closer to succeeding, it took half of that time to fall apart, the consequences settling in over every individual present at the hospital like a dusting of defeat.

The only boy who didn't seem to be aware of the fact that their plan had been reduced to ruins was Scott McCall, otherwise known as the only one who hadn't figured it out yet. For Lena and Stiles, the words 'parent' and 'guardian' now shared the same definition, and people that weren't a potential target of the Darach now were. Although, they had each come to the revelation through completely different incidents, Lena's being her life dependent on Jennifer's level of generosity whereas Stiles' eye had merely caught the bold typeface on a code of conduct.

But, with Lena beaten to immobility and Stiles simply not quick enough on his feet, there was ultimately no way for either of the two to reach Scott before he faced the hard reality of their situation on his own.

Lena could hear the pounding of someone's footsteps nearing closer to the staircase below her, be it someone in search of Jennifer and Derek, or somebody coming up to let her know they had failed miserably in their procedure– either way, the person was just a bearer of bad news at this point. Having been laying in a puddle of her own sable blood since the moment Jennifer had departed, Melissa's body limp in the woman's arms, Lena's brain had been spinning relentlessly with apprehensive thoughts; and every last painfully impatient notion that came to mind was regarding what could have possibly went down with the others. Was Derek okay? Hell, was Derek even alive? Did Stiles get out? What about Cora– she's still breathing, right? And Isaac, God, please tell me Isaac's alright.

As for Scott, well, the brunette tried to conceal those within the confines of the others, not wanting to even delve into the possible reactions Scott could provide after learning that Lena had basically condemned his mother to a agonizing, sacrificial death. It shook her to the core, actually, the fact that Lena knew fairly well how Scott would react. Or, at least she can picture it clear as day. Everything Scott ever felt for Lena was most likely going to tear away at the seams, like it never even existed to begin with; he was going to leave her with a hole in her chest, and an even larger one in her heart. She always knew it would happen, too; but the cruel simplicity in the fact that the two had shared a kiss moments before, one that clearly denoted 'for in case we don't make it out alive,' made the realism all the more hard to handle. It all drove Lena into an unbearable state of frustration, because their was nothing she could do, neither physically nor mentally, to stop the heartbreak that was about to instill itself within one Scott McCall.

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