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     Scott McCall hadn't even made it through first period when Allison Argent was thrown back into his life. Quite literally. Both teens' summers had been spent trying their hardest not to contact one another, with the scale tipped more so on Scott's side, being that Allison's depart to France had left him wondering whether or not he should risk their future by calling her. The huntress had made it perfectly clear that she wanted a summer away from Beacon Hills and all that came with it, and most importantly, a break from Scott. It was supposed to benefit the Argent girl, having time spent away from her friends that seemed to wrap themselves up in trouble wherever they step foot. For Scott, it was a torturous three months filled with dialed, but not called, numbers, and written, but not sent, letters. He had kept his half of the promise, no matter how much he felt like traveling to France and kissing the crap out of her, and had rewarded himself by attaining the tattoo before he turned eighteen. 

     But, as Scott took a seat beside Stiles Stilinski in English 1, he realized then that avoiding Allison was going to be harder than he previously anticipated. And, as if on cue, the Argent girl and her strawberry blonde companion sauntered through the door. Engulfed in conversation, a smug smile was pulling across Lydia's lips as she walked, ducking her head every so often as if she needed constant reassurance that her best friend was indeed back and in the flesh, and she was back for good.

     Lydia lowered herself onto her seat without checking back to see if Allison had taken residency in the one just in front of hers, and so she wasn't aware that the seat was already taken. She had placed herself next to Stiles, whereas Allison was still standing at the head of the aisle, eyes flickering across the room in search for an empty seat. She let out a strained breath, the brunette finding herself staring at the empty seat in front of her ex, silently asking with her eyes if the seat was available. It was then that the Vice Principal walked in, an unfamiliar brunette to his right.

     "Class, this is our new student, Lena Roth. Please do your best to make her feel welcomed."

     Lena wasn't sure what to feel when the man turned and walked out the door almost as quickly as he had entered, leaving her standing alone before a mass of curious students. Her eyes had quickly gone to work, dark irises landing on every face before coming to a halt on two, very familiar ones. The first was Scott, the boy who had his arm tattooed the night before. And, to his left, Stiles, the friend who had fainted just after the process begun. Lena wrung her hands out in front of her, contemplating whether or not it was worth it to slither into the empty seat in front of Scott, which meant she would have to inch by a brunette girl who already looked to be content on sitting there. Her fists tightened as she came to her decision; new Lena, right?

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