The mystical cat

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Pirate is a cat from the Isle of Man. She's been Raven's kitten since Raven was very small or even smaller.
- let's find him!  She yelled


I was able to get her out of the castle with great difficulty. Then we left. We searched by the small river next to their house. It was both a good feeling to have found him and a bad one. Pirate drowned in the river.  Raven loved him so much that she jumped after him to take him out. But he has already lost his life. So we took the body home to bury it.On the way, Raven just sobbed and sobbed. We opened the gate and then noticed that a pirate was walking towards us and he was fine!

-so whose cat is this?

- it will be revealed later hopefully.

then we caught  pirate and happily walked through the yellow painted door.  Raven asked their father to paint it yellow because it's her favorite color
. Not now, but it didn't bother this little Raven.  He was only interested in her being happy and, of course, in making the people around her happy as well.

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