Chapter 1

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I can't believe this is happing too me April thought. Today, today is going too be the day I become mis Horan , today my life will start, i Remember the day we met. It was summer five years ago. Summer 09. We meet on a beach I was with my best friends mikayla Lisa tienna and Rebecca. We were having a bonfire at the beach when five boys came up too us and started talking too us. They had accents sexy accents, they wher all British accents except for one, he had the most sexy accent, a Irish one,damn there sexy. they started talking too us then we all just split up and had one too one conversations. Niall and me started talking he told me all about his dreams and his fave things I told hime about my hopes and dreams. We offered the boys too stay at Lisa, Mikayla's and mine apartment for a few days, little did we know that this was going tok be the start of something we would never forget.

"A few days later"

"Niall it's lunchtime get out of bed where going out for lunch" i yelled upstairs too the room where Niall was staying. him and Harry were sharing a room but mikayla and Harry had left too go for lunch at the park.

Aprils pov

I really like Niall, I like him a lot I've liked him since that night on the beach when we talked for hours. I wish he liked me. He's different from all those guys I can tell him anything and every thing, he will never feel the same about me tho. I'm happy for mikayla and Harry.It was so cute how Harry asked her out they were at the beach and Harry wrought in the sand" wanna be my girlfriend check yes or no" it was cute. I'm gonna dress cute but causal for lunch laid out my black tights my blue jean toms and my black lace shirt on my bed and put them on the I put a layer of black eyeliner and my grape baby lips and walked out too the car where Niall was waiting for me I stepped in the car and he said "April your so pretty I was gonna wait till we where at the park but here it goes april I really like you and I want you too be my girlfriend I've liked you since we met at the beach your so sweet and nice and pretty I think I love you" "of corse" I screamed I reached over and hugged him i was so happy "Niall" I said "I've liked you since we meet too" after that we talked all the way too the restraint I ordered a Caesar salad cuz I love them so much there so good and Niall ordered chicken. After that we went home and cuddled and watched movies till we fell asleep in the chair all snuggled up together all night long.

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