Chapter 15- Clara

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I woke up in a daze. My eyes fluttered open and I couldn't make sense of my surroundings. The last thing I remembered was leaving the bar, seeing the rage in Nick's eyes, and feeling his hand gripping my wrist. Confused, I looked around and the night before came flooding back to me. Tears began to fill my eyes as I realized the weight of my actions. How stupid could I have been to do that? I put him and myself at risk of being caught by the media. Correction, we were caught by the media. None of this would've happened if I didn't leave the apartment. This wouldn't have happened if I just listened to him. Shit, I didn't even know where we were.
My thoughts stopped racing when I heard a voice say, "Get up, we're here."
"What?" I managed to groan out between stretches, still trying to wake up my exhausted body. I opened my eyes and finally got a good look at the owner of the voice. There was Nick, still in his t-shirt and sweatpants, hair disheveled, and a scruffy face staring straight at me.
"Clara, we made it. Let's go."
It took a moment for me to realize we were still on the plane. How long was I asleep for and where the hell were we? He reached out his hand to help me up and I wobbled for a minute while trying to get my bearings. I glanced down and saw I was still in my silky, black dress from the night before. However, I definitely didn't feel glamorous anymore and my shoes were pinching in all the wrong places. As I started to walk down the aisle, each step shot a searing pain through my feet and I couldn't stop myself from stumbling. Nick looked back at me, watching my struggle, and motioned for me to sit down, "These heels need to come off." He said as he kneeled to my feet and started to remove my shoes, "You couldn't even walk in these last night."
The memory of the night before made me want to crawl in a hole and never show my face in the world again. I would do anything to erase that evening from my mind. I glanced down at him, "About last night–"
"Don't even worry about it. I have a PR team taking care of that."
"So, what happens now?" I questioned.
"Well, my PR manager advised that you lay low for a while, stay out of the public eye. Given that you went behind my back and continued to leave without permission, I can't trust you to stay in New York at this time."
A cold-blooded feeling flooded my entire body at his words. What did he mean that I couldn't stay in New York? My heart began to race and I felt a sharp pain in my chest, "W-what do you mean?" I stuttered.
Nick let out a hearty sigh and helped me up from the seat, "I'll explain on the way to the cabin."
"What cabin?"
"Clara, I promise I'll answer all your questions in due time. Just please, trust me on this."
Hesitantly, I nodded and followed him, barefoot, off the plane. A car waited for us on the tarmac to take us to who knew where. We loaded ourselves in and began the drive. Anxiously, I looked out the window to try and get a glimpse of any license plates, trying to figure out what state we were in. However, we were deserted. No other cars surrounded ours, leading me to feel more perplexed than I already was. Ten minutes into the drive, I turned to Nick, "Can I ask now?"
He took one finger up to his lips, signaling to me that I needed to be quiet. Then, he took that finger and pointed to the driver. I could only take that as a sign that it wasn't safe to talk around this strange man. I retired that thought for now and proceeded to stare out the window, looking out at the mountains surrounding us. The landscape could only mean we were somewhere rural, far away from the bustle of New York. Somehow, that made me feel safe. Maybe he was protecting me from the dangers of being in the public eye and wanted to ensure I was in a secure location. Watching all the paparazzi fighting to get a glimpse of me was terrifying. Nick did everything in his power to take care of me and protect me from the cameras. Did he really care for me in that way?
After approximately two hours of awkward silence and twiddling my thumbs, we pulled up to a house deep in the woods. Without any surrounding properties, I was sure we were secluded. The two of us piled out of the car and Nick waved the driver away. Once the car was out of sight, he gestured for me to follow him into the modern cabin. The building was slightly larger than the average home, but definitely not the size of a mansion. As expected, large windows lined the sides of the house, contrasting the dark wood paneling. As far as I could tell, there wasn't an ounce of civilization nearby.
We entered the cabin and were immediately greeted by the most warm, welcoming sight. Colorful couches made of leather and velvet with flannel blankets sat in front of a fireplace with stone architecture. There were high ceilings that had exposed beams and the walls of windows looked out upon a mountain scenery. Though it was still dark outside, the room was somehow bright, giving me a cozy feeling inside. Everything in me wanted to lay on a couch, wrap myself up in blankets, and fall into a deep slumber.
Nick walked over to a coffee table and plopped his wallet and phone down, "Come have a seat." He said as he made himself comfortable on the leather couch.
I followed his mannerisms and found myself next to him, "Finally, can I ask?"
"Yes, you may." He let out a chuckle.
"It's not funny," I playfully hit his arm, "Where are we?"
"Deep in the Rocky Mountains in Colorado."
"Please tell me you're joking." I pleaded with him.
"Clara, listen–"
"No!" I stood up and, for the first time, towered over him, "You essentially kidnapped me and brought me across the country against my will. Do you expect me to be okay with that?"
He shot up from the couch and now he was the one looking down at me, "If you just gave me a minute to explain–"
"No, Nick. You don't need to explain. I'm out of here."
"Clara, get back here right now." He growled.
I didn't want to listen to him anymore. He promised me a home in New York and took me far away from that. My heart was pounding and I kept stomping towards the exit. Suddenly, I felt a hand wrap around my wrist and it pulled me back against my path. I found myself against the wall with his breath on my neck, "You will listen to me when I'm speaking."
Trying to get away, I wiggled my body under him to try and loosen his grip. I found myself failing to get away, making me stay complicit, "Let me go!"
He brought his lips to my ear and whispered, "You've been such a bad girl, baby."
I shuddered at his words. Up until this moment, I thought he was bringing me to this cabin in the woods to leave me here, unable to ruin his perfect image anymore. I was terrified he was going to leave me, alone, depriving me of his presence. Hearing him call me baby made me want to melt into his arms and have him take me to bed. Fuck, what was this man doing to me.
He wrapped his arms around my thighs and picked me up before laying me down on the couch. His legs straddled mine and he proceeded to place his hand over my neck, applying light pressure, "When I came home and couldn't find you, I lost it. I couldn't think of anything else except bringing you home."
"Then why are we here?" I whispered.
"My PR manager wanted me to get rid of you. He said it would be best if you were out of my life, less chance of me being in the press." He let go of my neck and cupped my face in his hands, "I couldn't do that, Clara. I don't know why but I need you in my life. He told me that my only option to keep you was to have you stay in a remote location until they can get the media under control."
I felt a tear roll down my cheek, "So you're leaving me here?"
His forehead touched mine, "No, I told them I couldn't do it. I told them I was staying here with you. I can work remotely and they would just need to figure out a story to give to the media."
"Wouldn't you be risking your image if you stayed?"
"I don't care about that right now. I care about protecting you. I can't lose you."
My heart skipped a beat. He brought me all the way here so he could personally keep me safe. I knew what I needed to do, "I thought I was a bad girl." I teased and watched as his face went from caring and concerned to dominant.
His hand found itself back on my neck, applying more pressure than before, "Oh, you're really asking for it now."
Letting go, he stood up and used one hand to pull off his shirt. God, I loved his body and I was ready for him to take every part of me as his. He ordered me, "Get up."
I followed his command and he began undressing me. Not wasting any time, he ripped the dress off, leaving me only in my panties. He stared at my bare chest and gripped my breasts in his hands, "These are mine."
He pushed me onto the couch again and he tugged on my panties, "You don't need these anymore." Then, he placed my legs on my shoulders and I felt his tongue against my clit. Fuck, why'd he have to tease me like that.
"This is mine." His tongue continued to circle my clit, making me practically melt into the couch. I never wanted this moment to end. His body against mine felt amazing and right. It was almost as if we were meant to fit together. He stopped, "Who do you belong to?"
"You!" I moaned out, flooded with pleasure.
I felt a sharp sting on my outer thigh, "That's right, baby. You're mine. Your breasts, your ass, your pussy. It's all mine. Never forget that."
His fingers found their way inside me and he continued to please me. All I wanted was for him to be inside of me, to take me as his. I cried out to him, "I'm yours!"
His lips landed on mine and he embraced me in a kiss, as his fingers kept pumping in and out of me. I've never felt this much passion with anyone before. My world was being completely rocked by Nicholas Bettencourt. He broke away from our kiss and his lips explored my neck. His touch was like a dream and I felt myself coming closer to finishing, "I'm going to come, sir."
His eyes shot up and I felt him glaring into mine. In a raspy voice, he asked, "Did I give you permission to come, baby?"
"No, sir."
"Be a good girl and wait for me to tell you."
Oh God, what was he doing to me? Did he want to torture me? I took a deep breath and tried to keep myself from climaxing. He wasn't making that easy by moving his fingers like that. I found myself panting, trying to contain myself, until I heard him speak, "Come for me, baby."
I let out an exhale and relaxed as I felt my body flush with endorphins. My heart rate skyrocketed and a warm feeling zoomed through my body. Taking a moment to compose myself, I looked up at him. He shook his head and smiled at me, "You did so well, baby. Now it's time to give me a little pleasure."

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