One Bus journey she'll never forget

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Kats POV:

Its Monday morning and I'm up early for my likening. I would happily spend the whole day in bed but I have to go to school. Now school wouldn't be so bad if It started a bit later so that I wouldn't have to get up at 6am so I'm ready to get the bus in time. I pulled open the curtains and to my surprise was blinded by the sun coming through the window. Sunny ? In England .Are you joking ? Not that I'm complaining but it's never sunny here.

I quickly got dressed and had my breakfast before having to run to catch the bus. I got on the bus and as I was walking to the back it started to move. I fell to the side and then tripped over onto this guys lap. I looked up to see the most beautiful person ever. I couldn't take my eyes off him.

Cels POV :

I was sitting on the bus on my way to school listen to music when suddenly there's this girl on my lap with her head resting on the window. I looked at her. What is she doing I thought. She's staring at me that's what she's doing. "um excuse me could you please get off me ?" I asked her. Her cheeks turned a bright red. I could see she was really embarrassed." oh...yeah I'm so sorry the bus it moved before I sat down and I fell." she replied as she got up. The Bus arrived at its next stop and she fell again but this time I caught her . " It's alright don't worry about it" I told her as I gazed into her gorgeous blue eyes. "I'm sorry so so sorry" she said as she ran off to the back of the bus. Now I think about it she was really pretty more than that actually she was beautiful.

*10mins later*

I got off the bus and headed to form. When I got there Richard, Aidan and Tyger were already there which was unusual because tyger is normally the late one along with Kieran who is no where to be seen. Aidan was sitting next to Jasmin. They've been best friends with each other since they were little. They are always joking around with each other and pulling funny faces into Jasmin's camera which never left her side. Any time there was something worthy of taking a picture of she was there. Behind them sat Richard, Sakina, Tyger and Katie. Tyger had his arm around Katie (they've been going out for ages) and started to play with her short blonde hair. Sakina had a bag of sweets. Richard as always took this as a chance for free sweets. Now Richard is the fussiest eater I know but Sakina since being friends with him would only bring in ones he liked. Richard tapped her shoulder, took a sweet and gave her a cheeky little smile little he always did. I went over and joined them all.

"Hey Cel, where's Hannah ?" Asked Katie." I don't know ...where is Hannah ?" "Where oh where has cels Hannah gone oh where oh where could she be!" Sang tyger and Katie in unison. They looked at each other and burst out laughing .I rolled my eyes.Hannah was my best friend, but just a friend. I loved her but not like that .She was never ill or late so where was she. I looked to my left where I saw holly staring at Aidan.

Holly's POV:

I'm so confused about me and Aidan. I feel like we could be more than friends but he hasn't said anything and I'm certainly not saying anything first. He's an amazing dancer so I could use that to get him to notice me problem I'm not the best dancer. He's look particularly fit today he is wearing his blue hoddie with his green beats around his neck. I think someones watching me .I look around the room to find cel giving me this weird look.Just before I can say anything Kieran and Vicky run through the door.

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