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Richard's POV :

It's drama. You would think I'd be happy,excited even since I'm an actor but no I don't like drama at school.It's all because of the teacher. I really don't like him and to be honest I think the feeling is mutual. Today he told us to get into partners. I looked around Katie was with tyger, Vicky was with Kieran and Hannah was with Sakina. That left Chloe. I walked up to her." Hey do you want to go with me ? " I asked her. She smile and nodded at me.It was weird she would normally go with someone else. Sir gave us our pieces. We had 20mins to practice then each pair had to preform. Everyone looked quite happy with what they'd been given Katie and tyger in particular. They were reading through and laughing their heads off.I wonder what their doing I thought. I looked at Chloe she'd finished reading it and looked shocked." What ? What's wrong Chloe ?" " We...We have to kiss " she stammered. Wait what is she going on about. I read the script. She wasn't lying, there it said at the bottom of the page *Kiss* Omg kiss Chloe. Don't get me wrong I love Chloe and I'm an actor so I'll do it but I don't want her to feel uncomfortable about it. " Its ok you don't have too if you don't want to " I told her." Lets just start" she's avoiding the subject. We practiced for ten minutes always avoiding that last part until sir said it was time to preform. We weren't first so we sat down to watch. Hannah and Sakina did this scene where they were fighting over this boy. Just like real life .There always fighting over boys they consider "fit". Vicky and Kieran were doing a romantic scene about how they loved each other .Very fitting considering they were both madly in love. The best scene would have to be Katie's and Tyger's though it was a comedy and Katie's character was pranking Tyger's character. It was really funny. It made me realise something sir couldn't of just randomly given us these pieces they all suited our personalities and relationships to the person we were partnered with. It was our turn now. Our piece was about Danny (played by me) who was madly in love with Sophie (played by Chloe) who didn't even notice it and Danny was finally telling her how he felt about her. It was going well but I was still unsure about the whole thing. We got to where it leads into the kiss. I really was getting worried. The last thing I wanted to do was upset Chloe.it was too late now she'd already said her line. I got closer to her. I said my line and then it happened. I leaned in and kissed her. I know it was only acting but it didn't feel like that it felt real like I really was in love with her. I pulled away and we froze. Everyone started clapping. At least they liked it. I bowed then looked right at Chloe she was frozen. I smiled at her .After that she looked at the audience and back at me , straight into my eyes . Then, she started crying and ran straight out the room. I was confused .I heard everyone saying things like " omg chloe whats wrong?" " Richard what did you do ?" what did I do?. Well I kissed her but she never said she didn't want to and I'd asked her about it to make sure she was ok with it. The bell rang to signal break. Everyone was getting their things together and were about to leave when sir said "The bells for me not for you" urgh I need to go and sort this out. I made a run for it." MR WISKER you can leave last now." he yelled. I glared at him he could see I was in a hurry. After waiting for ages I left and head off to find Chloe.

Chloe's POV :

I ran out the classroom and to the back of the school field.I sat under this big tree which hid me from sight.i just didn't want anyone to find me. I bet people think I'm weird running out after kissing a fit guy like Richard.Most girls who are not taken are always flirting with him.He doesn't even seem to notice most of the time. But I did run out not because I don't like him because I do like him and I'd avoided that part during rehearsals so I didn't seem to eager to kiss him.When I kissed him it felt amazing and magical like nothin I've ever felt before.I thought for that moment he was actually in love with me .how could I be so stupid ? Seconds later he was bowing to the audience and acting like it never happen.To him it was just a stage kiss, and nothing else.I should of expected it he is an actor after all but I was wishing he felt the same way I did about him.It's quiet out here I kinda like it. Nobody here ...wait who's that ? It's better not be Richard I don't know if I could face him yet.No it's alright it's only Sakina."how did you find me ? "I sobbed I'm still crying I just don't know how to stop. "Chloe your my best friend,I know you like to hid away somewhere quiet when your sad" she really did know me well.I hugged her."So are you going to tell me what's going on?" I told her everything she didn't question anything.Once I was finished she gave me another Hug and said "oh chloe" then she left me.

Sakina POV :

After Chloe running out I got worried I looked for her every where but I couldn't find her anywhere.I bumped into Richard who was also worried and looking for her.I told him to wait with everyone and I'd go find her.i didn't know what upset her but I knew it had something to do with Richard.It took some persuading but eventually he agreed.I found her under the tree and the back of the school field.It was quite a clever hiding place.Not to far from the buildings so you wouldn't be late for your next class but shaded enough that you wouldn't be seen.She told me everything and I understood why she was so upset.She'd like Richard for ages and then for him to kiss her on stage like that and still not know."well on the bright side we gave you a good performance "she said.I laughed.She always looked on the bright side on things and that's one of the many reasons we got along so well.She'd always make me laugh when I was upset .the only problem was that I could never make her laugh like she did me but I always tried to.i left her alone and went back to Richard.When I got to where we normally all hang out I noticed he wasn't there and everyone was happier than in drama."Well everyone's happy again what did I miss" "we just got a call from Aidan"said Jasmin. I'd completely forgotten about holly.I feel so bad."she's alright Sakina she sprained her ankle but that's all" She continued.Thank god she's alright. "I'd say more than alright her and Aidan are going out now" Added Katie "aww it's about time" I giggled. I saw Richard walk over. So I took him away from everyone and where to find her.

Chloe's POV:

Someone else is coming over here.At first I thought it was going to be Sakina again but it wasn't it was richard."What do you want ?""To fix this Chloe that's what" "alright no need to snap" "I'm sorry Chloe but I just don't understand.why did you run away after the kiss" should I tell him.i don't know.i feel like I should but I still don't know how to."I just..." I couldn't bring myself to say it

Richard's POV:

"You just what?" She started crying ."I feel so bad because you don't like me and we kissed but to you it was just a stage kiss"she sobbed.But It was just a stage kiss wasn't it. I looked at her puzzled by what she just said. "You don't get it do you ? " she cried "I love you Richard .I always have and I thought you loved me too" omg Chloe loves me. Beautiful,amazing Chloe who's wavy brown hair always falls into place right and who's different to other girls in that she doesn't where make up or girly clothes.At that moment I realised I loved her too. "It wasn't just a stage kiss to me Chloe,it was special,I haven't believed a part I've played that much before." She stopped crying. Hugged her for ages neither one of us wanting to let go first."So Do you want to be my girlfriend ?" I finally asked. "Yes I would like that very much"she said in a calm quiet voice.Ah she was mine now my Chloe and I was never going to Hurt her again.

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