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Second was not expecting Mocha to have fucking powers.

But, then again, if they had some of Navy's abilities, or even had Amber on their side, it certainly would not surprise him that Mocha had found a way to steal some of their magic, transfer it to himself, and use that to take them all out.

Would not surprise him in the slightest.

As they rounded a corner, jumping into a park, Second took another glance around them. They'd lost Mocha a few blocks back, but the bastard could fly!

"Okay...what are we supposed to do now?" Chosen asked.

"Simple...We pray to God that Purple lives, Mocha's dead, and we have nothing to fear."

Dark stared at the teenager. "...Neither of those things are possible."

"One of them is."

"Purple is probably dead by now."

"Don't underestimate someone like him." Green said to himself, glancing around at the sky like it was going to fall on them at any moment.

"He's not wrong."

Crystal peeked around the corner, glanced at the sky around them, and sighed. "Looks like he's not here, but we've run a pretty good distance across the city. Who knows where he is."

"Fair point. And he can fly. He can cross the same distance in half the time it took us to run here."

"Unless he's thinking we duped him," Yellow suggested. "There's so many of us that he could think we split up and has been chasing entirely different people without realizing it."

"That means we could have more time. We could make it to the desktop, or even to the quarry, while he's distracted!" Blue said.

An explosion, and then an energy ball.


Mocha crashed into the ground, landing on his feet, and giving no indication that he had been attacked.

...Or at least, they thought it was Mocha.

It wasn't.

"What the-where's Mocha?" Lavender snapped. "And who the hell are you?!"

"I'm Coco. A friend of Mocha's. Or at least. I was."

Second pushed his four friends behind him, glaring Coco down.

Lavender backed up between Sky and Crystal. "Well. That's lovely. You killed him, didn't you?"

"What? No!" Coco laughed. It seemed that they were expecting that question. "I'm not that big of a monster!"

"Then where's Purple, and why hasn't he kicked your sorry-less ass yet?!" Green snapped.

Coco snickered, glancing at Green with a devious glance.

"Oh, shit."

Second growled, an energy ball already starting to form. "You didn't."

"Didn't what? Kill the poor kid? Now why would you think that?"

"Then where is he?!" King and Gold both glared at him.

"And why hasn't he come to rescue us, like we know he will?!" Red added.

Coco only stared, like they were possessed.

Second knew what Coco was close to saying.

"You did not."

"Oh, I'm sure he's fine. Besides, nobody in the Rose family knows how to stay dead, so..."

Second's heart dropped.

"Does...that mean..."

Green shook from behind him.

"You KILLED him?!"

"And there's the million dollar question, folks!" Coco was treating this entire thing like a game, weren't they? "Nice work, buddy! Make sure you get the good cell!"

The others glanced at him.

"The what?"

Something cold and rough grabbed onto Second's arms. Screams erupted from behind him. Panicked shouts.

"Your never getting away from this!"

"I swear to Becker, when Purple comes back-"

"Oh, but he won't!" Coco shouts from above, and Second can practically feel King's heart sink. "There's no way you can bring him back now!"

Second's entire body erupts into pain, and the figures around him push him to the ground.

He can barely make out the figures of Chosen, Dark, and Willow, all suffering through the same thing.

He watches Coco absorb what they can, before Second's vision goes black.

Second's entire body hurts like a bitch, and he doesn't know why.

The last thing he can remember as he regains his consciousness and his memories start to come back, being grabbed by rough hands, and pain erupted through his body.

"Ngh...what the...what the hell?"

Second looks up, staring up at the ceiling for a moment before he finally decides to remove himself from the floor.


His legs hurt.


Second sits up, only to realize his legs feel like shit, he feels like he's been drugged with something, and one of his legs is shackled to the floor. There's enough chains for him(and the other three in the cell with him: Cho, Dark, and Willow) to move around the cell, but even that isn't enough.

He doesn't want to be shackled. He wants to be free.

Why is he shackled?




He hears the others start to stir and wake up, and they took share similar sentiments to being chained.


"No, not again!" Though Chosen is less angry and more panicked than anything else. Dark immediately forgets what he was doing earlier and pulls Chosen into a hug.

"Hey, it's okay, Cho, it's okay, we're okay, your not back there, it's okay, shhh..."

Chosen hugs him back, refusing to let go for even a second.

Second watches them for a moment before continuing to look around.

Aside from comforting Chosen, Dark just seems pissed, and Willow...well, Willow's plain annoyed and confused.

"This is the kind of shit you guys have to deal with?!"

"Well...not being chained up, but yes."

"Oh, maldito Dios."


Dark went from comforting an obviously panicking Chosen, to glancing out their small window. "I know Purple's...dead, but we're gonna get out of this...right?"

Second could only stare at him. "...I don't know."

We're 110% fucked.

Father & Son 10: In Betweens To A Winning BattleWhere stories live. Discover now