The Next World Over

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"Let's finish this, you son of a bitch."

Coco immediately runs for Purple, who just simply dodges. The power rush has worn off for him, but definitely not for Coco.

They stumble from the speed, and Purple can only smirk at them.

"What? I didn't decide to take power five times stronger than what I can handle!"

"Fuck you. I can't wait to watch you writhe in the depths of hell."

"Well, good luck, because I'll be doing the same."

"The HELL makes you say that?!" Coco snapped. They snarl at him, already probably plotting an attack in their mind.

Purple smirked, an energy ball in his hand. "Because your going down there with me."

Coco returns the smirk. "Well, good fucking luck making that a possibility."

Purple dodges another energy ball, flying into the air. Coco follows him, and the two continue throwing energy balls at each until Purple finally hits them.


Coco crashes into the ground, giving Purple a chance to fly out of attack range while he still can, because he knows they will get back up to chase and attack him.

He catches a glance at the sky dome, but before he can act on any of the ideas forming in his head, an energy ball whizzes past him.


Coco tries to attack him, but he dodges them again. Coco launches a large blast of energy at Purple, who counters it with his own.

The two go back and forth for a while just as Coco gains the upper hand.

"Give it up, buddy! It's all over for you!"

Purple snarled, trying to push back against Coco's immense power.

He knew it wasn't over. It couldn't be over.

Coco needed to be stopped. That much power in their body was going to kill them sooner or later.

He knew that for a fact. Anybody with such a large amount of power could not survive forever.

Especially when they were using so much of it all at once.

That's what set off Purple's idea.

So much power being used all at once could overwhelm Coco so badly, it would cause them to fall back and give Purple the upper hand.

He just needed to fight long enough for Coco to finally start giving up.

"Come on, come on..."

Coco's smirk faltered just slightly. Purple knew what was going on.

Their powers were starting to waver.

According to plan.


Bring it on, bitch,

Purple suddenly dropped the energy beam, and Coco fell with it.


Purple took the opportunity to fly higher. The farther he got, the easier it would be on him, the harder on Coco.

This was going to be his win.

An energy ball, a blue energy ball, whizzed past him, and Purple suddenly wished King had brought the Dual Block Staff.

"Shit...okay, you can do this. Just think, how can you-"

Father & Son 10: In Betweens To A Winning BattleWhere stories live. Discover now