Munchies at 3 am

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Character's: Vaggie, Velvette, Lucifer, and Angel Dust

● Its too early/late for this. She didn't even process your words for about a minute. You were hungry. Now?

● She would ask you how hungry you are. But apparently your hungry enough to wake her up so you must be *starving*.

● She'd mumble somthing about what do you want. You just want food. Vaggie would then stumble out of bed to grab random snacks.

● Once she's back in your room she would pass you the snacks and get back into bed. She is sooo tired.

● You would quietly enjoy your snacks and give her a kiss as reward. She smiled because of it.

● Really? You woke her up to tell her that?!

● Velvette is a very big believer of beauty sleep, and doesn't take lightly to being woken up except in the case of a emergency.  You being hungry wasn't a emergency.

● But after bugging her about it and reminding her it would be somthing to post on her Sinstagram, she caved.

● She took you too the nearest place open, and you both had a wonderful time eating food and taking beautiful pictures to rub into other pathetic demons faces.

● First and foremost, he's holding you so tight you have to give yourself space to be able to talk. But once you do and he realizes your hungry he's on it.

● He's definitely a victim too midnight munchies. He will be prepared.  He asks if theres somthing specific you want to eat.

● If not he will make you pancakes. There the best pancakes you have ever eaten. (I will hold you at gunpoint, tell him his pancakes are scrumptious-)

● After you eat, you will both debate on whether or not to clean your mess. You both decide to wait until morning and cuddle back to sleep.

ANGEL DUST~ (Featuring Fat Nuggets)
● Angel probably has a disorganized eating schedule because of Valentino.  So he's not entirely shocked by your words.

● So you, him, and Fat Nuggets will sneak downstairs to raid the best snacks and food. He will make it a game to not get caught.

● He will tease you and make jokes. You both will end up dying of laughter (and Fat Nuggets) squealing in glee). There a 85% chance of you being caught (most likely by Alastor).

● The three of you will "sneak" back upstairs, probably bringing with you more snacks. You will all get in bed and cuddle. With Fat Nuggets in the middle.

♤As I was writing this I realized I just wrote this with all my favorite characters. I just need too add Carmilla and Lute.♤

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