
130 3 6

Requested by: @hunycoz


Takes place a year later (so Sean is in college) enjoy!

Luke had always loved Autumn, in fact it's his favorite time of the year. He had always said that the season "chose" him.

It was also the time of year he had met the love of his life. He also had started dating them around this season too. But this Autumn was different.

"Don't over exert yourself." Were the last words that exited Hailey's mouth. Luke had recalled that conversation.

"I'll be fine Hailey, you guys go have fun without me."

"You sure you don't want to go to the mall with us? All of us are going." She said with a small smile, they were currently in the library. Luke was studying for a huge exam this fall, it was in order to get into his dream college.

It was currently during lunch and Luke had skipped band practice, near the end. Hailey had gone to check up on him. As well as invite him to plans.

"I'm sure. I just really need to nail this."

Hailey sighed but nodded, "Alright, Zander's going to be disappointed. And we were going to meet up with Sean. Hadn't caught up with him in a minuet."

"It's okay Hailey, just go have fun." He smiled sadly.

"Okay, fine. Bye Luke I have to go to Biology, Jake won't be able to handle frog dissection." She sighed with a slight smile.

"Bye Hailey." He waved.

Then his phone rang, snapping his thoughts away from the conversation he recalled. Luke was currently at home, studying.

Picking up the phone Zander's contact appeared.

With a smile he answered, "Hi honey, you need anything?"

"Yeah, I'm coming over. I haven't seen you since first period." Zander pouted on the other end. Luke only sighed,

"You know I'm busy Zan-"

"No." He stated firmly before hanging. Within 10 minutes Zander was at his doorstep.

"Babe I told you I have to study." He smiled sadly, Zander only ignored that and scooted himself inside.

Luke groaned slightly but closed the door behind him. "I thought you were going to the mall?"

"I told them I was going to see you. Also Jake and Milly were getting on my nerves." He said annoyed.

The auburn haired man chuckled, "Ah I see, but didn't you want to see Sean?"

"Yeah. But I can't just leave you alone to work yourself to the bone." He said dramatically.


It was about an hour later, they were in Luke's room. Zander on his bed messing with his phone while Luke was at his desk writing.

He looked up from his phone, "You should take a break."

"Can't." His boyfriend replied.

Zander sighed, "Please, I want cuddles. And I know you do too."

Luke held his breath before letting the pencil drop from his grasp. "Okay, five minutes."

Zander smiled brightly as he stood up and flopped onto the bed next to him. And almost instantly they clung onto each other tightly.

Luke took deep calm and tired breaths. He relaxed in Zander's hug enjoying every second of it.

To be honest he needed this, he needed to feel the loving touch of his boyfriend. It sent waves of relief and content through him.

Zander looked up at him with a small smile, he returned it before leaning into his face and giving a gentle kiss.

They held the kiss, savoring it. It last for what seemed like forever, with both their lips growing more persistent. Their need for each other grew with each passing second.

Eventually they pulled away, both a little breathless and their breathing ragged. Then Luke's eyes darted down towards his neck, he glanced between them asking for permission.

To which he nodded with a small smile. Grinning Luke pecked his cheek before leaning into his neck and pressing small but loving kisses.

He exhaled enjoying the soft touches. Soon Luke began to gentle suckle on his neck forming barely noticeable marks. But then he pulled away, "Too much?"

"No, it was nice." He smiled softly hugging him.

"I love you." Luke whispered on his ear, Zander chuckled slightly.

"I love you too."


They eventually fell asleep in each other's embrace, only to be waken up with Zander's phone buzzing. The two groaned as Zander answered the FaceTime call.

"Hi boys!" Hailey smiled through the camera. She was sitting at a table in the mall with Jake, Sean, and Milly.

"Hi guys, what's up?" Luke yawned smiling.

"We just wanted you two to come out, you know." She said with a shrug, you could see Jake and Milly's playful banter in the corner of the screen.

Sean then spoke, "Yeah come down to the mall with the rest of us, we can go roller skating."

"Okay, fine we'll meet you there."

Luke said with a tired but relaxed smile, Zander looked surprised but nodded. It was going to be nice to spend time with the whole group.

Hey, so it's been a minute. And this request is like months due. But I'm so sorry that I abandoned y'all for a while 🥲. I'll try my best to update things but atm I'm not taking requests yet as I am currently trying to catch up. Anyways wish me luck.

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