Chapter XX

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         "What? No, I'm not leaving you alone in the forest! What if you get lost?" Sal shouts, grabbing Travis's upper arm.
          Travis pulls his arm away, shoving the rings in his pants pocket and shoving Sal away with a scoff. "Go home, Sal," he says through gritted teeth, his scowl like a slap across Sal's face.
           This time, Sal stops walking. Travis continues going down the trail as Sal sighs, finally turning the other way to walk in the opposite direction with the flashlight.

          Sal finally breaks through the woods on his way home as he stares at the concrete. It is already getting really late. He was supposed to sleep over at Phillips place, but after today... Sal sighs. There's no point in doing this. The best thing to do is exactly what Travis told him to do not even a couple minutes ago. To go home. So, he starts to walk across the grassy field before it breaks into concrete again, holding out his flashlight. He subconsciously goes into step with the train tracks beside the street, between the grass and the road. I hope Travis gets home safe. Even if he is beyond pissed at him right now, Sal doesn't want him gone, or even worse, dead. He looks up; to where the moon seems to smiles down at him with its crescent shape and stars for eyes. Sal smiles at the thought. He walks past Wendigo Lake, his scuffed blue converse going against the jagged ground. He sees the apartments in the distance, quickening his pace before he hears a noise. It sounds almost like a animal. Like a purring. Sal pauses his steps, looking around until his flashlight catches the sight of a black cat approaching him. "Hey little guy," Sal whispers, crouching as the cat gets close enough and sniffs his hand.
            The cat meows, but it's no longer normal. It sounds almost distorted, and unusually deep. Sal feels against the cats coat for a collar, and his hand catches against leather, then the cool feeling of smooth metal. He shines the flashlight against the black cats neck. "What's your name, buddy?" Sal mutters to it, rubbing against the metal but not feeling a name tag.
           Instead, he feels a design. It's a symbol, one that is identical to Phillips description of what he had saw when he was exploring, the one that looks like a summoning circle. Sal dropped the metal against the cat, and the cats reddish brown eyes look up at Sal while it meows once again.   "Run along now." Sal whispers, standing and reaching into his bag to give the cat a little treat usually for gizmo before shooing it away and walking the rest of the way home to rest.

           Sal finally gets back to his apartment, room 402, exhaling before opening the door. The smell of the dinner his father made wafts through the air, and he slowly shuts the door behind him as he relaxes his shoulders.

          Larry puts his hands in his pockets, shifting from one foot to the other as he rings the doorbell for the fifth time. "Cmon Phil, where are you?" He murmurs to himself, clenching and unclenching his fists over and over, once of his many nervous habits.
          Since Sal had come to him so long ago with info about how the apartments are "haunted" and being forced through many ghost hunting sessions, he had never been more nervous and on edge. Even his mother, Lisa, was starting to get worried about him. He had got a message from Phillip not too long ago, and although it was very disarrayed, something was obviously wrong. There are none of Phillip's parents cars in the driveway, but a sitting feeling in Larry's gut tells him that someone, Phillip in specific, is here.

          After multiple minutes pass, Larry hears stumbling and thumping footsteps coming from inside the house, getting closer and closer until the door slowly opens. Phillip peeks his head through the half open door, his eyes dull and wandering. "Phil! Are you okay?" Larry asks, inviting himself into the house and pushing Phillip aside.
           He shuts the door behind him, locking it before putting his hands onto Phillip's shoulder, shaking him lightly in hopes of snapping him out of it. Phillip dyed blue hair waves around into his face, and Larry smells a faint hint of alcohol on Phillip's body. "Have you been drinking? Dude, what happened?" Larry asks, and Phillip's distant gaze lays onto Larry.
          "Mhm... it's all my fault." He slurs quietly, leaning into Larry's hands before Larry throws him over his shoulder, taking him up the stairs to his room.
          "What's all your fault, what happened little dude?" Larry questions, unable to help but see how many questions are left unanswered.
           "Sal... he's mad." Phillip hums, and Larry's eyes widen at the idea. Sal is rarely ever seen angry or fighting, especially when there is so much going on as of lately and Phillip doesn't know what he is doing due to lack of information. Larry himself may not know much, but he does know that Sal is stressed with a lot of stuff to do with Travis.
           Larry tries to console him and simultaneously get a bit more on what happened without it seeming like a investigation. Larry sits Phillip down on his bed, and slowly Phillip fills Larry in on what had happened, laying his head against his shoulder and occasionally hiccuping over his words, in obvious distress. "I didn't mean to." Phillip finally says, ending the conversation and looking away as tears spark in his eyes.
            "I know bud, you lay down and I'll get you water to sober up a little." Larry hushes, standing up and laying Phillip down against his pillow before he leaves the room. Meanwhile, the moment Larry leaves, Phillip grabs his phone to text Travis.

           11:34–Pip: I am sorry about what happened, are you okay? Is Sal okay?

          He doesn't receive a answer, putting his phone down at the same time as Larry walks back into the room with a cold bottled water, the condensation causing water droplets to form and drip outside the plastic. Phillip gives a grateful smile as Larry gives the water to him, and Phillip takes a couple large gulps, the cold stinging his hands from holding the bottle and throat when he swallows. Larry sticks by his side, an arm on his back as he pulls him upright. "Please stay with me until trav gets back." Phillip utters, not looking at Larry and his cheeks flaming in embarrassment.
        "Of course."

Word count: 1110 words

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