👻Chapter 4: A New Host👻

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Skizz ran inside, immediately feeling the cold and almost had a heart attack.
The spirit was tall, it's robes were purple and big on it, it's boney hands had chains around their wrists, hood hiding their faces and some type of damaged wings.
"What the. . ."
Skizz snapped out of it, Tango was lifted into the air and was struggling as it brought him closer and closer.
Skizz immediately began to chant a prayer, holding the cross and throwing salt that Scar held out for him.
At that, it began to screech and dropped Tango though he fell a good height, so Scar rushed to his side and checked Tango.
Impulse was also saying a prayers, holding the cross as an attempt to weaken the spirit and it seemed to be doing the trick.
It was screeching left and right.
Scar's head then looked up, beads up sweat as he turned to Impulse and Skizz.
As if on cue, two more appeared in the same robes and chains.
Impulse gulped.


Gem ran to the front, she needed to get Grian and call for backup!
Grian running off the porch,"The door's locked!", Gem then lost colour in her face, something in purple robes, freakishly tall and boney hands reaching for Grian.
Grian didn't turn around, but he felt like something breathed down his neck and he sprinted down the path.
But Grian was yanked off the ground,"GRIAN!", Gem tried to run, but was thrown back and hit the swing!
"Ow. . .!"
Gem picked herself back up as she heard a God awful sound.
Jumping up, she saw Grian standing. . .alone in the path, all too still.
His wings twitched as she got closer,"Grian. . .?", she reached to him, wondering if he was shock or just got so scared.
But her wrist wad grabbed and was met with purple eyes.


Skizz turned his head to the door,"GEM!", he ran to the door, dropping the cross and box as he began to pull at the door, Scar picked it up to help Impulse as Tango lay unconscious from the fall.
The spirit box began to go haywire.
Skizz kicked down the door.


Skizz sprinted to Grian and Gem, Grian had Gem on the ground and was about to do something but he grabbed him and got Gem free,"RUN TO THE VAN!", Gem did and ran to the van.
Grian struggled, his swings flapping as he was something stuff in a language that sounded all too familiar to Skizz!
There was a screeched the house became quiet.
. . .
Impulse carried Tango out as Scar followed behind.
"I think he's been possessed by one of those things. . . He's gone limp now but. . . Tango."
Scar took Grian as Skizz rushed to Impulse,"It's fine, only a few cuts and brusies on me, Tango hit the floor hard though and it might be a concussion.", Tango's hair by now was no longer on fire, it was now dried up obsidian and that wasn't good.
"Something has taken residence in Grian's body. . . Attaching itself to his soul."
Oh, that's wasn't good. . . Especially with how aggressive these spirits are.


They had no choice but to strap Grian down just to be safe, Gem gave everyone medical attention and Impulse started the door, turning the heater up as he could.
"It's gonna get pretty warm, but Tango needs to be very warm."
And the drove off.
Scar. . . Couldn't help himself as he broke the obsidian that was Tango's hair, and when it was all nothing but dust now, they could see hair past the fire and obsidian was brown with some grey streaks that looked a little burnt.
But Gem covered him with a blanket to keep him warm.
"We need to report this back to HQ."
Impulse nods, agreeing with Skizz as he got back on the highway.

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