chapter 8(compliments)

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As hua chung went to the kitchen he grabbed some soup, some steamed buns and water for xie lian and as he promised he hurried back and when he got there he saw gege sleeping but since xie lian needed to eat he woke him up hc"gege get up please you need to eat" xie lian wakes up and and look at san lang xl"ok " he then started to eat while san lang sat down in a chair across the room xl "Why are you sitting over there?" Hc "i dont want to bother gege" xl "you wont bother me -he scoots overe and pats the bed- come sit theres plenty of room" san langs eyes widen a little and he nods his head as he sits down he asks" how the food gege" xl " it's really good I haven't had this good of food in years" hc "Well I'll make sure gege gets plenty of food while he's here "xl" thank you but I have a question " hc " ask away gege" xl "what happened to jun wu why was he taken down" hc" how about you finish your food and I'll tell you .. that doesn't mean scarf it down ok" xl " ok thank you by the way" hc " there nothing to thank me for gege" Xie lian look at him in awe again " thank you san lang you truly really kind " hc "like i said gege there is no need to thank me" xl" mh" after a few minutes he finished his food xl" so now Will you tell me " hc " if that's what gege wants but be warned you might want to mentally prepare ok" xl" ok " hc sighs " well jun wu is Bai Wuxian or -" xl "white no face ..... why do you have proof I mean I believe you and all but .." hc " it's alright gege I understand how about you get cleaned up and I'll bring you somewhere " Xie lian nods his head "where is the bathroom?" He asks as nervously scratches the side of his head san Lang points in a direction " over there theres already clean clothes in there for you ill be waiting right here and if you dont like the clothes let me know" xl" alright thank you " as he walked into the bathroom he got undressed and saw the water was already warm and everything was set up for him "wow san lang you really do treat me too nice " he said as he lowered in the water he kept thinking about jun w-... Bai Wuxian thenk he just dunked his head under the water and when he came back up he decided hes been in here long enough so he got out.

When he got got out as he was about to but on the clothes left by san lang he looked at then for a good while and in detail it was mostly white with red, gold, and silver but not to fancy he put it on and did a little spin then walked out it looked as if e had hearts in his eyes Xl" what do you think " he asks as he does a little spin hua chung under his non existing breath "beautiful" xl" what was that " hc" oh um it looks perfect on you ... wait I mean beautiful on you ... shit I mean-" he got interrupted By xie lian laugh "it's alright san lang you are free to say whatever you want "hc " alright you look very very very beautiful gege" Xie Lian blushed at this statement "t-t-thanks san lang" hua chung smiled and walked up and put his hand out "shall we" xl" we shall but might i ask where are we going?" Hc "you'll see"

To be continued....
I hope you guys are enjoying this
Have a good day/night 😊

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