The city farm

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Freya POV:

We were all squished into Sue car as Angela decided it would be a lovely idea to head up to the farm that's in the city for Karen's birthday but no one thought about the amount of traffic there would be.

The way everyone was sat was Ben , Charlotte and Karen in the boot then Angela , Jake and me in the middle and Sue was driving with Frank in the passenger seat.

Me and Charlotte had already given Karen her present at the house we had got her Zhu Zhu hamster as i don't think she will ever actually get a real pet Sue however told us there was no need to get her anything but Karen responded to that as "yes there is cause they are coming to my birthday treat".

Now Ben was shouting about how he really needs a wee but because of all the traffic we weren't going anywhere he was told he just had to hold on.

Sue speaks up to to stop Ben from making rude hand gestures to the people behind us "I'll tell you what why don't we see who can tell the biggest lie!" Ben-"I am a toilet!" Charlotte- "I have pink hair and I'm a famous singer!" Angela-"I'm a magical witch and I'm a hundred thousand years old and at night I sprout wings and I fly above the owls and the bats and I leap over the moon and stars..." Sue "Jake your go!" "I have the deadly Ebola virus and we're all going to die in the next 24 to 48 hours" Sue "nice Karen your go" "I like auntie Angela" "well that's lovely sweetheart, anyway let's get on with the game" "That was part of the game!" "I'm a toilet too" Ben-"no you're not" "it was part of the game" Sue- "Freya you have your go now!" "My mother once dated an astronaut, a prince, and a lion tamer, but not at the same time. She doesn't talk about it much -bad memories".

Karen now starts to say that's she needs a wee as well but Ben fighting with her telling her that she doesn't need one and is just coping him

Frank suddenly speaks up "I smell burning" "oh god, cos this this thing dose overheat in traffic" Jake-" there was once this type of car in America and it kept catching fire, and that stopped the electrical door things working and these families were burnt alive inside" "Jake that not helpful , your going to scare the two girls" Charlotte "to late I'm already scared!"

"I was playing the game" "what?" "It was a lie , I was playing the game" "oh dad , you got us good and proper. Dad won the game everyone!".

"I need a wee!" Ben still whines Sue then bends down looking for something and she pulls out a plastic bag " don't panic Ok , Ok use that" Jake has the bag in his hands "look these have holes in it so you don't suffocate" Karen then pulls out an old coffee cup but she won't give it to him as she says she needs it more and it's her birthday.

So instead what Sue had to do was put  things that were in the plastic container into the bag and she the passed that into Ben and looks to Angela "can you climb over a help him?" "Here umm Charlotte you climb over first and sit on my knee to allow Angela to go back and help Ben" "okay" Charlotte threw her self over seats landing on top of me.

"Help him ? How?" "Well , hold it" "hold what?" "The box! Otherwise it will go everywhere" "no ,I'd have to take my seatbelt off" "so Charlotte already took hers off?" Angela finally goes beside Ben to help him.

Angela climbs back over the seat "these are 200 designer trousers and he's peed on them" Angela gets her belt back on "can you please take the box off him as he's likely to throw it over Charlotte and Karen" Angela takes the boxes in her hands and then I lift Charlotte back over to her seat.

Jake on the phone to Veronica and now not only dose Karen need a wee but so do Charlotte and Frank.

We finally make it to the farm in one piece and we all go our different ways. Karen and Charlotte head with  Frank to look at the animals while me and Jake go off on our own. I make come with me to the rabbits and Sue , Angela and Ben are still in the gift shop.

I pick one up in my arms as he just stands beside me. "Don't you want to hold one?" "No, they stink" "it's a farm everything here stinks and besides rabbits are so cute" "I disagree" "whatever, is there any animal here you want to see?" "I live with Ben, I've seen enough animals like behaviour for a lifetime" this dose make me giggle which makes Jake smile.

Jake decide we should look at others animals so we ended up at the ducks where Pete joined us and the wire. "You could get bird flu from feeding these ducks" "no you couldn't, you'd have to be in very close proximity to a duck to get bird flu from it" I speak up "but it could pass through others so we could get like our teacher could live on a duck farm and then they could pass it on to us" "yeah so we could or these ducks could of caught it off some wild geese from Hungary who were infected with it and then we inhale some of their faeces dust or whatever." "I'm personally not planning on inhaling any geese faeces dust, are you two? It's not really a part of a normal farm visit , is it?"

"Is that what been on the two of you're minds ? Getting bird flu?" "Why are you so worried that we're always just worried about things?" "I'm not it's just my job as a parent to worry about things , now come on"

The three of us walk over to the a picnic table and we all sit down. Pete and Jake are still going on about bird flu and deadly virus. Angela starts to hand out the food "Karen you can go first as your the birthday, here would you like s small cookie?" "In England we call them biscuits" Charlotte pipes up "umm yeah but you should really know that as you were born here"

The three adults are starting talking which was really arguing so me and Jake leave the table and walk off somewhere else together as who could be bothered to listen to that.

We ended up walking over to the play park and we were both sitting down on a fake tractor. "Do you think your aunt will stay long?" "No she can't stick to her words, besides travelling for a year will never happen either" "why not" "we would all kill each other and Ben might kill others as well" "yeah actually...I could see that happening"

Karen and Charlotte both run over to us "umm Jake and Freya would you rather be pigs or rabbits? "I'd be a rabbit as there cuter and people like them more" "well I'd be a pig as I wouldn't want all those kids picking me up" "dad Is saying he's worried that you are being bully's" "no he's not worried that's we bully's he's worried that we're being bullied and to be honest I'm getting rather fed up with all the questions. ..I know how to stop it though" with that Jake walks away

"Stop what? The questions or being bullied" Karen asked me "I'm not sure dear....but never mind that how about us three all play a game together! "Yay" "okay but I'm picking" Karen shouts.

We all playing on the tractor when Angela walked over to us "oh I'm i must actually go look for Jake" I say hopping off and running away as she dose my head in as well.

I found them over playing mini golf "hey" "oh hi Freya" "where did you go of to?" "I was playing with the girls but then Angela came over so I legged it over here" "smart move" Pete tells me hitting the golf ball and missing the shot. "20!".

We were in the gift shop when Angles gave us all out a tenner each "thank you Angela , are you sure" "of course lovely , get something nice" "Em by the way Auntie where's grandad ?" "Erm I thought he should have a moment quiet before we all drove home, he's just having a little sit down" "do you want me and Freya to help you look for him?" She just nods so we all walk off.

"Ohh looks likes your mom got to him first" "oh god here come on another fight between the two of them we all have to listen to that all evening" Charlotte came skipping over to me" Freya , is it okay if I get this" she says showing me a set with a notebook , pen , pencils and ruler "how much ?" "Eight pounds" "okay but make sure to give the change to Angela!" "I will , thank you!" She skips off "you should of let her keep it" Jake tells me.

When we arrive back to the house me and Charlotte just walk back to ours.

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