Chapter 3-found

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Tim's pov
We find out where Lucy is being held and go there we find Caleb in the house alone dead Lucy really is full of surprises but then we search the whole house and nothing she's not here so we start to try and figure out what happened

then we find hidden cameras and watch the footage she's out there somewhere and it's getting dark we are waiting time standing here watching the rest g this we fast forward and the next thing we see after Lucy leaving is us coming in and searching the place like I said waste of time

"Look we know she's somewhere out there what if she's hurt or worse we are wasting time in here we should be out there" I say angry
"Tim I know you want to find her but it will be dark soon and we can't just run around out there in the dark" grey says

"Why the hell not this is Lucy we are talking about come in sarge please"
"Not yet"
"No he's right we need to find her who knows what condition she's in" Angela says backing me and Nyla also comes over to us

"I agree look we know you make the finally call but we're going out there even if nobody else does"
"Ok alright let's go" he says and the three of us run out together and split up looking for her me and Jackson go one way and then we have to split up too then I find her she's on the ground and she looks so pale it

I don't think I've ever seen her like this before I kneel down and feel for a puls nothing but she's still warm she's not breathing so I turn her on her back and give her a rescue breath and start doing CPR and I call out for Jackson or at this point anyone
"Help I got her, she's over here, I found her" Jackson comes running towards us as I'm giving her another rescue breath and being CPR again

he radios os it in and everyone comes running they all gather around me as I try and save Lucy's life when she finally takes a breath in and starts crying I pick her up and hold her against me and try to comfort her best I can, eventually she pulls away from me just a bit so she could talk

"Tim" she says and she sounds so broken and something insides me breaks for her
"Yeah Lucy it's me, I got you" I say softly holding her in my arms is as much for me as it is for her when I found out she went missing god I was ready to break every law to bring her home I don't know why I'm telling myself it's because I'm her TO I'm responsible for her but I'm not entirely sure of that anymore
"Tim" she whispers again

"Lucy it me I'm here ok" I say again she seems confused scared and obviously something else is going on in that head of hers
"Tim, I...ha... ve... to...tell-"
"Shhh Lucy it's ok we'll talk later Mk now it's not the time look we found him ok you got him good he's been dead for hours now and you don't look so good so we're going to get you to the hospital"

she nods and puts her head back against my chest and closes her but I know she's not asleep because her hands still have a tight grip around my neck and shirt collar

"Don't leave me alone" she manages to get out before I can feel her grip loosen around me and she now feel like dead weight but yet still so light in my arms
"I won't I promise" I whisper back to her and I can feel her grip loosen completely and her arms fall I pick her up and carry her to the helicopter where we get flown to the hospital and she gets looked at the reason she passed out and died was from dehydration and heat stroke

it was 101 degrees outside today and she was left out in that heat for hours without any water or food so her heart stopped she woke up quickly after her exam was completely and I was told what happened
"Tim" she sat up and looked around the room I got up and went closer to her

"Hey shh it's ok I'm right here" she slow catches her breath and calms down a bit
"What happened to me? Where am I? Tim, I'm scared" she says quickly god it breaks my heart to see her like this and to know I can't do anything to help other than be there for her which is what I'm doing now

"You got dehydrated and passed out and then eventually your body could take it anymore and your heart stopped I got you breathing again and we brought you here the checked you out nothing major is wrong just a lot of bruising and a couple cuts and your still really dehydrated but they have you on fluids for that so we just have to wait till those take affect"

"Thank you" she says
"Of course Lucy" I say confused why she even thinks she needs to thank me for saving her life
"Um what about you know him" she says trying to avoid saying his name

"He's dead was long before we got there you got him good, Lucy I have to ask what did he do to you"
"He didn't touch me or anything if that's what your thinking but um most this is from him so" she says motioning to her face "it hurts to breath why does it hurt to breath so much" she asks

"That's from your bruised ribs there going to hurt for a bit that's normal" she nods her head
"Yeah I know I guess I forgot how bad it hurts tho" she say and I hover her a confused look
"Lucy" I say in a questioning tone 

"Look I'm tired and in pain can we do this later I promise to tell you everything but right now everything hurts and I think I'm still in a state of shock over what happened but I know you deserve the truth and you'll get it but just not now"
"I get it look rest and we can talk later I can get the doctor to give you pain meds to help"

"No, no pain meds no drugs at all" she quickly countered with the look of fear in her eyes
"Ok, ok that's fine no pain meds" she nods and try's to lay back down but I can see it on her face every little move she makes causes her more pain so I get up and help her lay comfortably

"You plan on keeping your promise" she asks
"What promises is that Luce" I say softly
"Your promise to stay" she says as she grabs my hand
"Of course I promise you won't be left alone and no one is going to hurt you Lucy not if I can help it" she nods and slowly goes back to sleep and I never move from my spot

I watch her sleep while holding her hand and it hits me i haven't been this worried about someone in my entire life except for Isabel bit I can't be falling for my boot she's well she's my boot it has to be that yeah that's it she's my boot and I'm just missing my wife well my old wife before the drugs a few hours later she wakes up and tries to move a bit but then she lets out a gasp and holds her ribs as she sits there pain written all over her face as she tried to catch her breath once she does she looks over at me
"Hey Luce how you feeling today" I say softly barely  above a whisper

"Mhm ok I guess you know moving hurts, breathing hurts, talking hurts, oh and my favorite part about this is that I have an IV tube in my arm that is giving me fluids because I'm dehydrated and I feel like I'm dying but you know all things considered I'm fine" I nod
"I know Lucy I'm so sorry but it will get better Mk you just got to wait it out" I say giving her a sympathy look

"I know, I know trust me I've been through worse I'm fine I just-" she get cut off by pain, I can see her face and she really doesn't hid it well plus she's squeezing my hand really hard right now
"Lucy hey what's going on are you ok" she just shakes her head and leans over in pain I go to press the call button but she stops me and shakes her head again so I sit on the edge of her hospital bed facing her and let her squeeze my hand well tubing comforting circles on her back

after about 10 minutes of this she starts crying and I pull her closer to me and now her head is on my chest by my shoulder and she put her face into the side of my neck she tries to calm herself down but it's not working and we sit there her in pain and crying and me trying to comfort her as best I can about another 20 minutes go by and she starts to let go of my hand a bit signaling that's whatever happened is over so I ask her again

"What was that, are you ok"
"That was an episode I haven't had one in years and no but I'll make it through it"
"An episode" I ask

"Yeah um when I was 15 I got injured pretty badly and sometimes I get this stabbing pain in my left side of my abdomen I haven't had an episode for a while though it's been about 3 years" she says into my neck and she sounds so tired and just not herself
"I'm sorry Lucy, are you sure you don't want those pain meds it doesn't have to be morphine" I say and she just shakes her head

"No I said no drugs nothing that will stadate me"
"Ok, ok fine" I say
"Tim, this is nice" she says and I hug her closer to me
"Yeah it is, isn't it"

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