Chapter 4-the hard part

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Lucy's pov
The last thing I remember was falling asleep on Tim and from the clock on the wall it's been an hour and he hasn't moved for an hour he has sat here and supported my seeping body but yet as I slow pull away careful not to cause anymore pain I can see just how exhausted he is
"Hey look who's awake" he says
"Yeah um Tim are you ok"
"Yeah I'm fine"
"When was the last time you slept" I asked concerned
"Lucy please don't worry about me" he says brushing off my concerns but I don't think I've ever seen Tim this tired not even on night shifts
"Tim please just humor me and answer the question"
"I haven't slept since you were taken but Lucy, I'm fine"
"And that's been" I truly don't know how long I've been in here but I know at least a day
"Well it took us almost 24 hours to find you then you've been here for the past 48 hours"
"So 72 hours, 3 days, Tim you haven't slept in 3 days" even I know better than that as much as I punish myself, I at least sleep for a couple hours a day
"Lucy I'm fine I promise ok just focus on getting better I need my best boot back out on the street" I can't help but feel a bit proud of myself after that comment but I'm not going to stop worrying about him everybody needs sleep so despite the pain I move over a bit and I can see the confusion and the concern on his face and I pat the empty space next to me
"Come on lay down and sleep I'll be fine for an hour or two you can't deprive your body of sleep for that long Tim, you look exhausted"
"No I made a promise and I'm sticking to it besides I'm not that tired" he tries to play around this but I can't see why yet but I know he's fight to stay awake right now
"Tim you made a promise to stay with me, to never leave me alone and you won't be, you'll be right here, right next to me what's the big deal"
"If I'm asleep then I can't make sure your ok and I want to make sure nothing happens to you" I nod
"Ok well good thing you'll be right next to me then just lay down please" I say with puppy dog eyes towards the end he rolls his eyes and lays down next to me and he eventually falls asleep after fighting it for a while and another episode comes on and it hurts usually I can handle these the stabbing pain comes from when they took the experiments too far one time. When I was 15 and that lead to me having major surgery I get this pain as a reminder of that and because of some complications that come up during surgery but with stress it gets worse and I would say right now I'm stressed but this is the worst it's ever been but the last time I got one I was still coming off of the drugs they were using on me back when I first escaped then I haven't had another until now and I try to be as quiet as I can because I don't know how light of a sleeper Tim is but I let out a small painful groan and Tim slowly opens his eyes and can see I'm in pain and shoots right up and holds my hand and rubs my back
"Hey Lucy you ok" he asks and I shake my head "another episode" he ask and I give him a nod we sit there for a while about 40 minutes longer than one hours before but only by a little bit when it's over I don't move for a minute because I'm still in pain from it but I am no longer crying
"Tim" I says just above a whisper that's all I have the energy for and he looks over at me
"Yeah Luce"
"I'm fine now you should go back to sleep"
"No, no I'm fine, I'm good I'm here for you"
"Tim please just take a nap you barely got like a minute of sleep and you need rest ok I don't want you passing out from exhaustion"
"Ok fine, fine but you also need to sleep"
"Yeah but I don't know I'm in so much pain that I'm not sure I would even be able to" I say and he leans back and carefully pulls me against his chest and wraps his arms around me, I feel safer than I have in a while in his arms. His breath evens out and I can tell he's asleep, I quickly follow suit.

When I wake up Tim's still asleep and it's about 2am. I don't know exactly how long I was asleep but it was more than my usual 3 hours. Which is unusual for me, not to mention that it's the first time I haven't had a nightmare. They come and go but usually they're pretty bad which is why most nights I don't sleep for more than 3 hours. I can feel Tim waking up and I close my eyes to avoid any conversation since I'm not really in a talking mood. I hear him goran and yawn, then he reaches for something and then a small light comes on im guessing his phone to check the time. The light eventually goes away and I can feel him moving, he doesn't make a move to get out but just to get more comfortable, I could get used to this. But it wouldn't be fair for him, I'm not the kinda girl that you settle down with or that guys even look at that way. That's one thing my parents were right about, I will never be anything for anyone. I know that was mostly a lie they told me to keep me from running away, at least that's what I'm telling myself, but I think it might be true.

About an hour has passed and Tim fell back asleep soon after he woke up, I however can't seem to fall back asleep. I'm exhausted but that doesn't change anything, I'm also in pain. Let's just say as scary as the thought of being knocked out is, right now I wouldn't mind it. Tim starts to wake again and this time I keep my eyes open.
"Hey sleepy head" I say
"How long have you been awake" he asks
"No long" that's a lie
"Mm you feeling any better, pain wise"
"Nope but I'm fine" give or take the massive headache and the intense amount of pain in my ribs I swear that it didn't hurt as much as the last time I broke them
"Lucy..." he says in a tone and I know what's coming but maybe he'll drop it
"Tim" I say
"If your in pain then just let them give you meds I'll be right here I won't let anyone touch you unless it's necessary" tempting but I don't think so
"No I'm fine Tim" he lets out a frustrated sigh
"Ok, whatever you say Luce"
A/N- IM BACK!!!!

I'm so happy to be able to write again, I know this chapter is a bit shorter but I hope that y'all still enjoy it and I wanted to get it out as soon as possible.

Happy reading!

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