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Okay, this is a pretty important authors note and I will try and keep it as short as possible. Don't worry, the story isn't going to end.

I know I have been really terrible with updating, but I have ideas now! Also, from now on I will be getting my inspiration from Age of Ultron as well. So, THERE WILL BE SPOILERS!

On another note, since I decided that I am pretty terrible at creating covers for books, I am holding a competition. So, all you have to do is send me your cover and it will be featured in a chapter whether you win or not. So, yeah, enter that!

Also, I am going to be writing TWO more books. One is going to be about the bucket list I have and then I will update it when I complete something. The other book is going to be kind of like this one except it is going to be Friendship Quotes. Incase you haven't guessed, the name of that book is going to be Friendship Quotes, shocker, I know.

Now last paragraph, I promise, does anyone want me to do a book like this except with another fandom? If you do just comment the fandom! 😄

Okay, I'm sorry, I lied. This is my last paragraph! I just wanted to say:
THANK YOU!!!! YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING!!! YOUR SUPPORT IS AMAZING!!! When I posted this book, I was aiming for 5 maybe 10 reads. But I have over 750 reads. So, THANK YOU, YOU GUYS ARE FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, well that's enough from me, BYE GUYS 😘😊

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