Chapter 7 (LBU)

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"Akkhira!" Ryan shouted angrily again. I turned my head on Xannle to see what's his reaction.. His frowning.

"He even have the nerve to call you." Xannle said while frowning.

"What the f-ck are you doing with this trash?" Ryan asked. Xannle a trash? Maybe your the on who's trash!

"What do you care anyway?" I said.

"What do you mean what I care huh? I'm your f-cking boyfriend!!" He shouted. And again he doesn't care if people are looking at us. As long as he's satisfied of embarrassing me.

"You even have the gut to say that to her." Xannle said coldly.

"Don't f-cking meddle with our relationship." Ryan said.

Our relationship?

Xannle was about to speak but I hold his hand. It's like I'm signaling him to be quite.

"Now back to you freak." Ryan said and looked at me. "You f-cking cheater. You go out with that f-cking man without my f-cking permission. You don't reply to texts.. And this is what you do?! Your dumb , pathetic , stupid.. And most of all a f-cking flirt-" Before Ryan could finish his sentence he received a hard punch from Xannle that made me yelp

"Xannle! Oh my goodness!" I said and block Xannle's way before he can beat up Ryan. Xannle has a bigger body than Ryan so obviously he can beat Ryan up anytime he wants.

"Y-you..!" Ryan pulled me away and slapped me hard. I groaned because of the pain I recieved. Xannle then punched Ryan once more. Xannle also knocked down Ryan , Xannle was on top of Ryan while punching him.

"X-xannle stop!" I said trying to pull away Xannle on top of Ryan

"First , you have the nerve to call her your girlfriend , second , you cheated on her multiple times , third , you called her dumb , pathetic and a flirt , fourth you even slapped her twice!" Xannle said while beating up Ryan

"Xannle stop!" I said still trying to pull him away.

Two man came to help and picked up Xannle.

"I'll beat you up to death-!" Xannle said but I blocked his way. I looked at Ryan and he looked like he needed to get hospitalized. He has alot of bruises on his face.. I fear that Xannle might have broken a bone from Ryan's body.

"That's not enough." Xannle said coldly before pulling my hand.

"You might have broken a bone in his body!" I said scolding him but he seemed like he didn't even care one bit.

"Do I look like I care? Even if I beat him up to death I'll just let him rott in the street." He said carelessly.

"What are you even saying? Do you have plans on beating him up to death?" I asked

"Maybe." He said


"What? Are you siding with him now?" He said then looked at me.

"I'm not siding with anyone here! Your wrong and he's wrong!" I said still scolding him

"Well guess what? I don't give a sh- even if his dead." He said

"Hop on now." He said and I shook my head.

"No." I said he turned his head on me frowning

"What do you mean 'no' ?" He asked

"I don't need to explain myself to you." I said

"Fine.. I won't beat him up to death." He said

"Good." I said and hop on his bike.

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