P-L-A-N-E and S-I-M-P-L-E

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*Three weeks later*

Shane P.O.V.

Craig's home!!! Thank god! It felt like forever but he finally got home. Nothing ever happened to me while he was gone, but that post-it note scared me. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt something hit my head. I looked up and seen Craig holding a pillow. I looked down next to me to see another pillow. "What was that for?" I asked. "I've been talking to you and you were spacing." He stated. I sighed. "I'm sorry." I mumbled. "What's up? Something on your mind?" He asked. "No, I'm just spacing." I informed him. He eyed me but didn't push the subject any further. "Anyways, as I was saying. Tj invited us to a saint Patricks party at his house. You wanna go?" He asked. "Doesn't he live in Pennsylvania?" I asked. He shrugged. "A little vacation will do us some good." He mumbled. "I guess." I said with a shrug. Craig smiled and threw another pillow at me. I groaned and started hitting him with the pillow. He covered his face and started to hit me with another pillow. "Pillow fight!" Someone giggled and started hitting me and Craig with pillows. I fell off the bed and the whole room erupted in laughter. I looked up to see the rest of Escape The Fate standing there. Leila was the one hitting us with pillows. "When did you guys get here?" I asked. "Well, we were all gonna fly out to Tj's after you guys got packed." Thrasher spoke. "Wait, we're leaving today?" I asked Craig. "Tonight." He corrected me. I stood up and hit him with a pillow. "And you barely told me today?" I scolded. "I barely found out yesterday!" He defended. "And you couldn't tell me then?" I asked. "You were shopping with your mom!" He exclaimed. "You could have called me." I stated. "I didn't want to bother you while you were spending time with her." He huffed. "Ok, let's stop arguing. Let's just get ready. How long are we staying in Pennsylvania?" I asked. "A week." Tj informed me. "We'll catch you guys later." The band called as they walked out. "Are you leaving?" Leila asked. Craig pulled her up onto his lap. "Just for a little while sweetheart. I'll be back in five to seven days...I promise." Craig told her. She sighed and nodded. "Here, I want you to hold on to something for me...can you do that?" I asked her. She nodded. I slipped my necklace off that my mom has given me for Christmas. "Hold onto it until we get back. If you have my favorite thing in the entire world, then you know we're coming back Leila-bug." I explained and slid the necklace over her head. She looked at it and popped the locket open. Leila studied the pictures inside. Not even two seconds later another picture fell out. "I'm so sorry!" Leila exclaimed. "It's ok, this wasn't one of the pictures..." I whispered as I picked up the small picture on the ground. There was a man in the picture. A very familiar man...Carson....He had his hair combed to the side and he was standing next to my mom. They were both looking down at a baby my mom had in her hands. That baby wasn't me though....so who was it? "What's wrong?" Craig asked. "Nothing. I was just...looking at a picture my mom had put in the locket." I explained. "Ok, well I'm gonna take Leila back to Gabrielle's. You can stay here and pack..." Craig suggested. I smiled and nodded. I kissed him before he walked out. I ignored the picture for now and  decided it was best to pack. It didn't take that long for me to pack everything just boring. I checked the time once I was done and tilted my head. Craig sure has been gone a long time. I assumed that he had done something with gab. What if he cheated on me?! "Hey, are you read-" I heard Craig's voice; making me scream. He jumped at my fear. "You scared me!" I growled. He laughed lightly and smiled. "Let's go." He said and grabbed my bags. I doubled checked that I had everything and we walked out. We locked the house up and got in the Taxi that was waiting here for us. "Airport." Craig told him before the driver sped off. I clutched onto Craig and held him. "Shh...nothing is ever gonna happen to you..." He whispered. I felt my eyes sting with tears. Craig held me until we finally arrived at the airport. I quickly got out and grabbed my bags before we got inside the airport. We seen thrasher and Robert waiting for us. Well, let's get this 'party' started...

To Me, You Are Perfect...~Craig mabbitt FF~ [SEQUEL!!!] {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now